I used my $50 ebay shipping coupon to purchase shipping envelopes and I
made the mistake of ordering the wrong size. If I return them will I get
the shipping coupon voucher back or will it be lost?
I had a buyer who purchased a non expensive item. He wants to return it
but said he cant figure out how to return it through the ebay page. He
is asking for my address so that he can send the item back. Im not
worried about a scam as this is only a $...
I am going away Thursday morning and wont be back until Monday night so
any orders will be shipped out on Tuesday. Should i put my store on
vacation mode or switch to 3 day shipping?
Sent an item to England, the package got sent back to me with a note
saying custom chargers not paid. Is the buyer eligible for a refund? The
item was sent to them but they didnt pay the fee.
For the year of 2017 Ive collected about $100 worth of sales tax for my
state (Massachusetts). How do I pay the state? I do not have a
registered business, I just report via my SS #.
True, but even with a discounted shipping rate don't Chinese sellers
still have to pay an insertion fee and paypal fee? The product,
packaging, fees, shipping, storage etc must still be more than 10 cents
Thanks. Ya its sad that ebay would automatically side with a new account
person over a top rated seller who has been selling for years.I could
see how maybe a brand new seller could be inclined to "scam" someone but
why would top rated seller ever tr...
Ive noticed that if you type in something vague into the search bar such
as "Tommy Bahama Shirt" or anything with lots of search results the
first 5 or so listings will always be 100% feedback sellers
(disregarding sponsored listings)