Wish ebay would STOP mixing Not appliacble Items in Seraches - ended up
ordering Wrong item.Seems like Fraud on ebays part. I was searching for
a USB keyboard.Ended up clicking a bluetooth one - and purchasing it -
without realizing it.
I agree.I was hit by a seller sending 1 motor instead of the "Pair of
Motors" as listed.I had got a Refund for thalf. I ordered a 2nd time,
thinking he was corrected. And reminded hime to ship the 16 of 8 orders
of "pair of motors". Again the seller ...
I have a Seller that I bought Motors (for kiddie riding car repairs) off
of who titles as "2 pack of motors for kiddie cars". * First I placed an
order , Seller only sent me (1) motor. I complained and requested refund
"missing parts" - the seller re...
Now the Seller is sending Threats in EBay email :- New message from:
nicscag0 ' Ok I have your home address Just remember that ' Does EBay
not do anything about these Issues ???
I waited 3 weeks.Needed to report Product Not Received.Seller did Not
respond.I got a refund and it was Closed.So I left Negative Feedback.-
then the seller Responded : From: nicscag0 :- ' Anybody could click
order I never accepted the order '- ' You...
I ordered a package from HongKong China. * It took total of 3 days from
droppoff at Post Office in China to arrive at NYC. * It took 1 week from
NYC to me near Tampa. It arrived in Tampa, then Seminole Post Office
neighboring me Largo, 5 miles down t...