As a seller for 20 years, I've never had this problem: I shipping a
drawing to the customer's address, a PO box. The post office says
there's no such # and is sending the item back to me. The customer says
he's had numerous items sent to that address...
Ebay is adding "Best Offer" options to my auction listings even when I
have double-checked that that button hasn't been clicked. As soon as I
list the item, Ebay adds the offer option! I'm responding to offers on
items that I had no idea were up for ...
First: Why can't I phone Ebay anymore? This is a complex issue and I
don't know what to do about it! It needs immediate attention. I sold a
pair of vintage prescription designer glasses last week to Joe. When I
ship an item, I always put a Thank you ...
It still makes my head spin! Had I wanted to refuse to refund, I think I
could have just told Ebay that the glasses were returned broken. Joe
couldn't dispute that since he didn't send them -- he never saw them!
Didn't do that, though. I got them bac...
Joe has my address -- it's listed in the Ebay sale. And Fred IS paying
for return shipping. Paypal told Fred to return them to me, so that's
what's happening.
UPDATE: Fred opened a Paypal case against Joe. Joe opened an Ebay return
with me. This morning Fred asked me who he should return the glasses to.
I told him honestly that I didn't know and that he should call Paypal.
Paypal told him to return them to...
ersatz_sobriquet, I agree. Did you see the part where the glasses got
relisted on Grailed? And then removed? The strangest part is trying to
figure out how the refunds would go. If Fred sends the glasses back to
me, he would only get about a 1/3 of w...
THE PLOT THICKENS!! I checked on Grailed, and the glasses are relisted
-- using my photo, apparently by Joe but in FRED'S NAME!!! I have let
Fred know that if he ships the glasses to whomever Joe sells them to,
he'll be on the hook for a fraudulent s...