I need to speak to an actual person for tracking international packages
that went through their distribution center. Who can I call? Ebay
website does not make it easy to contact an actual person!
How and who do we talk to about getting their posted arrival dates
fixed? On my sales pages, it is showing the customer to expect a package
to arrive in literally 3 days across the nation. This is false and it
causes a lot of problems when my buyer d...
As of today, all of my labels are printing out as a H, and show it is a
HAZMAT item, even though I selected it as a normal label and not HAZMAT.
Did ebay change something? I didn't change any settings on my account
for this to happen.
Is there a way to personally customize a order confirmation email,
thanking your buyer?Ebay menus are not the simplest to find things.
Anyone know where this is located and if it can be done?
I mail my international packages out using Ebay's internationals hub,
and they receive the item from me and then mail it onto the customer. It
seems they do not update the tracking number or even send me that info
or to the customer. How do I go abou...
I too an experiencing very slow service with my local post office. up to
3 days for them to get it to the regional office to be distributed to
the next location. they lose a lot of my items too making me lose money
and the product i sent out. Sometim...
You can see a true real time updates at usps.com. Ebay's tracker is not
that accurate and also i noticed that sometimes packages are not showing
on it as dropped off. but in reality, it's traveling across USA. Go to
USPS.com and sign up for real time...
EBAY NEEDS to adjust the estimated arrival time by about 7 to 10 days!
Some of my listings say it will arrive in 3 days and even if i were to
ship out same day, it takes my local post office 3 days just to get it
to the regional distribution center. ...
Thanks. You'd think Ebay themselves would have sent an email out to us
to let us know rather than trying to seek the answer ourselves. Thanks
for the quick reply.
Using the ebay International Hub to send out items has been a disaster.
It seems they take forever to get it out and to the airport to ship out.
Then, they dont update the tracking number with the new number and the
current USA tracking number shows ...