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Buyer is using freight forwarder Global Shopaholics

Has anyone had experience with the company Global Shopaholics? My buyer used this freight forwarder, so I shipped to the Delaware address using USPS, thinking it will show "delivered" once it arrives at the third party forwarder. After a scan on the ...

User avatar by Adventurer
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Ebay Labels

Greetings everyone, I'm NOT new to Ebay selling, as I've been selling since early 2021. Anytime I make a sale I have always purchased the Ebay label and the price for the label has ALWAYS been different, sometimes cheap, sometimes expensive. Is there...

relist or Sell Similar?

I've been working on inventory and using Sell Similar because I think I saw advice here that using it rather than relisting improves visability or placement. Is that the general understanding?

User avatar by Rockstar
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USPS no longer sending out packages same day as pick up

My local office here in Iowa had a change that started this Monday that is a bit unbelievable.... Since we have been shipping in the late 90s, we pack & label every day. We have a 2 pickups each day, appx 10am & 3pm. The packages are picked up normal...

The mistreatment of Sellers by Ebay

This is based off of my experience on Ebay after starting and running a huge ebay account for a previous business partner where we did about 3 million a year in sales for 3 years, to running my own business on a smaller scale of about 850k in 3 years...

Help Identify This Maker's Mark Please

I have a pair of large bisque porcelain figurines which both bear the same maker's mark. I have seen several other similar items with this same mark, but the descriptions given in some cases say the item is of French origin, and others say the item i...


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