Use the bulk shipping tool and it will have an option to combine. Keep
in mind this has to be sold to the same user with the same delivery
address and same payment form. Another option is to combine the weight
and make the label for one and copy and ...
But it does seem mail it on the 23rd. delivery on the
28th would be 5 days and the 29th would be 6. Why do you say this is so
unusual?I am not looking for an argument or to say you are wrong but I
ship 1st class a lot and 4 days is th...
That is way outa wack, no eBay will not force a return and neither will
PP since it is past their 180-day threshold as well.IDK what is in some
people's heads thinking there is any way this is gonna happen.
It is my understanding, I could be mistaken, that as a buyer you cannot
use a cart nor request a combined item invoice when using the mobile
app. I never ever buy from the app so I could be wrong. Worth looking
into if you are wondering though.