After having an ebay store for 11 years and selling a lot of product, I
was put on BELOW STANDARD for having 7returns which I refunded in full
which were caused by moving my store to a new address and could not ship
for a short period I fully refunde...
& out of 157 sales were refunded and money paid back to buyer. feedback
was good , yet I am put in a catagory of "substadard" seller and
penalized for it ?? It is after 11 years with an ebay store, "they want
to put me out of business " !!
Yes, taking care of business - I resolved the 7 problems by doing a
timely refund all gave a good feedback to me. 11 years of sales and an
Ebay store and now this ? Hundreds of sales and not one problem until as
of late ?
I have continued to sell and have the below standard penalty of an
additional 5% charge by ebay continue for the last 3 months, with no end
in sight. They say we will evaluate on the 20th of next month - Now it
is November 20th before they re evaluat...
they were all refunded in a very timely manner with positive feedbacks
from them. The ongoing for 3 months now, penalty, is very unfair and
charging an additional 5% for below standard makes the small profit on
items even smaller.
The picture needs clarity in your eyes before you judge so
harshly.First, I have had an ebay store for 11 successful years Second,
up until a year ago, I had never had a bad mark my selling of hundreds
of articles has been perfect ! Third out of the ...