I am seeking a simple camera to use to put items on ebay. I am old and
must dispose of items in my house to get it ready to sell. A friend said
she would help me post items on ebay if I get a camera with enough
pixels(?) to make a clean detailed pict...
There was an error in the listing of an item. The postage cost was
incorrect so the buyer decided not to take the item. Now I want to
relist it but ebay has it sold and that seems to be that. Help?????Tilly
I need to refund to a buyer the money they paid for an item. I don't
have a paypal account so I can't get help there, ebay sends the money to
my bank account. Help....how can I get the money back to this very
patient individual.
It used to be that after I printed the label to mail out an item I sold
I could go right to a connection where I could schedule a PO pickup.
That connection seems to have disappeared. Right? Has it moved somewhere
or has ebay dropped that service??? ...
THANK YOU......I found it, I did it and now the request is 'under
consideration'. If all goes well you have saved me a goodly amount to go
back into the food budget!!