ive had no views and no sales, on two store on my one store no sales in
14 days! organic views were 0 the other day and today promoted are 0...
please explain what is going on!
I have been very patient but my one store has not had a sale since 4th
December! my other store has not had a sale in 11 days! ever since
Hurrican Ian sales have stopped! I have also noticed that sell similar
no longer works! I used to get emails to ...
I’m top rated plus with two stores! I’ve noticed this past month one
store die.. today I searched to see if I could find something that stood
out! Well it seems nothing Is being promoted in my dead store I’m at 6%!
Compared to my other that has regul...
How many people are still suffering with low sales after the Oct 15th
changes? I am at a loss why eBay would do this!! So basically 80% of my
sales are gone! If I do not use promoted listings, I get no sales at
all.. noticed that item specifics are n...
How many people are still suffering with low sales after the Oct 15th
changes? I am at a loss why eBay would do this!! So basically 80% of my
sales are gone! If I do not use promoted listings, I get no sales at
all.. noticed that item specifics are n...
Same here! Since sept update I’ve had next to no sales in both my
stores!! Before the update, I was steady! Now I feel it’s a waste of
time but stuck with huge amount of inventory! The promoted listing issue
is supposed to be getting sorted? But when...
Happy for you but some of us are suffering! I know traffic get
redirected when hurricanes are in our area! It’s very hard to get things
going after that! Happened with Irma and again this year!
I am in the same boat! Was my fulltime thing until eBay made changes and
my business was cut in half... since then it steadily declined after
each seller update! Seems they are trying to control algorithm, which
affects some of us!!sad.. anyway I wen...
I’m not seeing any promoted listing ads from eBay at all... this is the
problem and when this happened in the past, I guarantee no sales!! So
question is why is eBay not promoting as they say they are and as I
signed up for????
Same here, no sales since sept 4th! I believe eBay changed the search!
It was that if we picked promoted listings, we would have that promotion
and our own listing showing up! But now with promoted listings, they
took away our regular listing so that...