I am back new to selling on eBay and I got a message when I completed my
first sale to complete the eBay billing agreement. I don't know where to
go to find that in order to print the shipping label. Can anyone help
me? Thanking you in advance. Nanne...
Anyone know what this is? Momma got this for me from an antique dealer.
She is mounted on an Art Deco style piece of black marble. Looks kind of
like an old hood ornament but is quite large to be that. She measures
about 10" high (not including the b...
Thank you so much for your time in replying to my post. Makes me more
curious than ever to find out a little bit more about her. I appreciate
your input!
Thank you so much for the information! So far we have not been able to
find a signature on it so it may be a reproduction rather than original
casting. What would the value of a reproduction be? Mom pay $200 at a
yard sale from an antique picker. She...