Hello, is anyone else having an issue with not being able to View The
Order Details which usually shows who its shipping to. Mine today is not
showing the Address its Shipping to. I'd like to report its not working.
can someone tell me how to turn off the new green suggestion boxes on my
listing page, its a new view on there and its bothersome. Also its not
accurate at all, you would be in the hole, meaning their price
recommendations are not accurate. I just do...
Just recently, my last couple dozen items are missing the Good Til
Cancel box for my fixed price items, Its just not there, It shows 5, 7,
10, and 30 days.. So then when someone buys your item, it ends the item
and then I lose my watchers. Is anyone ...
Watchers are not showing suddenly on my items. Some folks don't like
having watchers I heard but i do and worked hard to have the ones I got.
Its not making any sense why suddenly after 2 years they wont show them.
The watchers help I feel in fixed p...
Hi there, I do agree partly on that, I'm not worried about some of them,
its only a few that the watchers boosted my sales. I do agree that if
there are too many watchers then something is wrong.. But I'm only
worried about a few of mine where it did...
The watchers show to me and me only now.. In My Ebay, they are fine, I
see them, but publicly they are not showing any longer. And my sales
show it too. We went and used 5 different computers, at other homes and
my own, logged in and also logged out,...
My watchers are all gone, at least 99 % are not showing to the public
since I upgraded my store. I've lost sales due to it. I would call tech
support and take screen shots like I did and show them that this is a
grave error or glitch.. Watchers are s...
by chance do you have links to the boards discussing the watcher count
not showing? My watcher count has not been fixed at all, my daughter is
a big seller on ebay and all her watchers are showing. As soon as I
upgraded my store they all disappeared ...