Cancelled shipping label immediately after paid for.Ebay states will
take a few days for USPS refund. In Seller Hub, under Financial Summery
is the shipping label for that order..But it doesnt show cancelled.
Where does it show this ?
Purchased item on 05/01/2020. Estimated shipping, at purchase, 05/08 -
05/09.On 05/07 received confirm of item shipped. Estimated delivery
changed to 05/13 - 05/14. The seller decided to wait 4-5 days to ship.
To save face, ebay covers it up.So when ...
They are selling books for $3 or $4, free shipping. Minimum ship for me,
media mail, is $2.75. Average $3-$4.Minus PP & EB fees. So, how do these
sellers do it, for such a low price and make money ?
1st time in 20 yrs a listing was taken down by
"...after receiving a report from the rights owner that it used their
trademark without their permission.""The Chemours Company, notified eBay
that this listing violates intellectu...
Instead of ending a GTC, 7 days prior, I want to convert some to 7 day
auctions.Tried it, but the item went to Unsold.These GTC items have an
Immediate Payment. Step by step how to ?
Trying since 02/04 will not save.From seller hub>settings>listing
template>create new template.Then tried editing an existing template,
same problem.Try to save, goes into loop. Lose all my description text.
ebay broken , again.
Thanks. Havnt sold much since the new setup. Very confusing to find
stuff. Its Awful.15 days ? On a $10 item, ohh thats just great. Calender
reminder, dont trust.I clicked the notification bell, upper RH corner,
on main page, said item to ship.It too...
Its a US seller. Updated tracking shows delivery on 05/11. Shipped 05/07
1st class.The seller was a few days late shipping.My point was, ebay
changed the estimated delivery time, after the item was shipped late.One
of my purchase requirements is ship...