I offer free shipping on all my items. On my eBay app, under my Sold
items, I can scroll down to PAYMENTS > Selling Costs and see how much I
paid for shipping. But the list only goes back 3 months.Does anyone know
how I can see that information on ol...
I just downloaded the Detailed Report on my 1099-K. There is a column
for shipping labels, but they're almost all zeros, except for a few
items I shipped with eBay Standard Envelope or USPS Priority Mail. Can
anyone tell me where I can find my shippi...
My eBay gross sales in 2022 were under $2,500, so I was pleased that the
$600 IRS reporting threshold will not take effect until 2023. However I
just received a 1099-K in the mail. Why did eBay send me this if I don't
need to report it? Thank you.-- ...
I seem to be getting ghosted more often by winning bidders with low
feedback scores (50 or less, all the way down to zero). I'm all for
encouraging new eBay users but I'm MORE for completing my sales! Has
eBay stopped allowing sellers to block buyers...
Thank you to everyone who answered. I think you've all confirmed that
the precise information I want doesn't exist, that I should have been
keeping track myself (I will, from now on!), and that if I want the
information I'm just going to have to sit ...
Thank you for your fast response! I did purchase them on eBay, debiting
my PayPal account; and there is an amount on my financial summary, but
it's only the sum of the relatively few eBay Standard Envelope and USPS
Priority labels. I also noticed non...
Thank you for your answer. Yes, I would agree that we're supposed to
report all our income; but quoting directly from eBay's "2 Minute
Article - eBay And Form 1099-K": " . . . we'll provide you with Form
1099-K by January 31 each year if you've recei...
Thanks for your answer. Maybe it is my state; I'll look into that. As
for "reporting threshold", well, quoting directly from eBay's "2 Minute
Article - eBay And Form 1099-K":" . . . we'll provide you with Form
1099-K by January 31 each year if you've...