Well, the jig is up.Ebay wins.Classic View is no more.My 5 minutes of
fame (hopefully not fortune) have come to an end.Thank you for all the
praise and flattery! I fiddled with the links out of my own frustrations
and was more than happy to share wit...
I know, I know, I'm supposed to be adapting to & learning about all the
benefits of the new ALL SELLING Seller hub hooey...but my OCD's got the
best of me. I knew the workaround links wouldn't stay for long...so...
here's another one to try:
All of these classic view links should work. I'm no coder but I played
with the HTML a little out of despair. They need to be bookmarked &
accessed through your browser's bookmarks (for however long they will
work) Classic View Active
Hahaha I'm ROTFL LOL-ing --- It's like "Mad Libs". Fill in the item
specifics with silly, nonsensical or naughty words... Then hit the "use
AI description".(Then of course, delete it.)
am I the only one who is gagging from the Little Mermaid doll with
matted hair next to the dirty toilet???Or the black light crime scene
????Come on!I wouldn't even want anyone to look at those listings!