Sold an item. Got a note from eBay that said the item is paid for. I
don't see the money in my PayPal account. I know eBay and PayPal have
split ways, but thought I still could accept PayPal payments. Where did
the payment go?
Is there any way to compel a buyer to produce feedback or provide
satisfaction of product so that I can move the file to the "Completed"
folder? Sold an item for $225. Tracked item to buyers address. Item was
insured so I need to get some verificatio...
Somehow all my listings are fixed price now. Now I see a button to "Move
to Online Auction". The pitch on that move says "Increase Exposure".
What does that mean? Are my fixed price listings somehow not searchable
from the main eBay page? Are they fi...
Got this text from eBay: "Thanks for consistently delivering exceptional
service to your buyers. We're here to provide you a marketplace where
you can sell with confidence. That's why we've taken the following steps
during the past month to protect y...