The return scam got me with an iphone 13 max pro. Even though USPS sent
me the investigation that said the package was not delivered to my
address, nor was it delivered using my name, ebay won't provide seller
protection. Please help.
I am having a serious issue with ebay 4/8/2024. I want to bring this to
your attention. I have just been scammed by a fraudulent return for a
Used iphone 13 Max Pro and NIP iphone 13 Max Pro Case. I was watching
for the return because this was a $700...
No help as I see NO zip code choice when I go to revise all my listings
to "change the ship from zip code on your listings."All my address have
been updated in the account addresses section.
I see NO zip code choice when I go to revise all my listings to "change
the ship from zip code on your listings."And this has no bearing on my
ship out costs because the shipping part has my correct address. All my
addresses under: https://accountset...
Why does ebay have a return label that can be scammed in the first
place? If the current label ebay provides for returns is causing scams,
why haven't they changed it to only reflect the address and not a scan
bar code? Ebay likes losing money and gi...