At random I am not being notified of a new order via email (desktop or
phone) and it only shows up in the messages section of the Seller's Hub.
If I don't look there, I don't know I have an order.... Anyone else
experiencing this or am I unique?
Are vintage badger bristle shave brushes allowed on eBay. Seems like
some other sites do not allow animal accouterments, but there are a lot
of badger brushes listed here, so just wondering what the official
answer is. Thanks in advance. Daniel
Does eBay have an option for shops to opt into site-wide sales for Black
Friday, Cyber Monday, etc? Or does each store set their own
sale/discount terms?
Okay, thanks that helps. I want to use it in the sense of an "oriental
motif" to describe a small decorative item, so I guess it would be
similar to rugs, etc. I was hushed by my millennial daughter a few years
ago when I said the word so was not sur...
Yes, I am in the process of moving away from Etsy so understand the
difference in approach. I don't mind it and I would much rather have
control of my shop's sale events, than be forced into the heard. Thanks
for your insight exactly the answer I was...
Thanks all. Yes, everyone's suspicions and experiences are correct. I
also did a web search and found more confirmations it has nothing to do
with eBay. So, to the spam trash rabbit hole it goes.