Has anyone had an issue with an order they have cancelled... seller
approved cancelation, a week later declined it, item isn't expected to
arrive until august ... any suggestions?
Hi- I cancelled an order that wasn't going to come to me until August,
buyer approved the cancellation ... a week later I get an email saying
cancellation declined ... any suggestions???
wow thats so helpful ! I don't have any social media ..I've only
purchased a few items on here and this is my one and only bad
experience. The ebay agent seemed to understand what happened and
reached out to the seller but also told me I would get a ...
thanks so much for your reply. I ended up getting a hold of an eBay
agent and they did just that. I hated to go that route though, but the
item is not being shipped until August 18th and the seller did say he
would cancel it. ugh this is my first bad...
HI! thanks for your reply, I received the message through my Ebay, and
when I clicked on status it said order is still active. this was the
sellers' exact words on July 7th "I will get the ordered canceled for
you and refund should come through Monda...