I have international shipping, on my side the listing says it’s
available (vintage green puffer jacket) but the customer says it’s
telling her that I don’t ship to Canada. anyone know how I can fix this?
In my account settings my shipping address is correct but when I print
out a shipping label it auto populates my return address with a
different/old/not valid/totally different state address. where is it
pulling the address from for the return addres...
Thanks for checking for me. I changed the US shipping to ground
advantage on the one listing. I’m not sure how that fixed it but I wont
complain about it. lol
In the sellers hub it says that I’m enrolled in EIS. When I open the
shipping info on the listing it lists out a bunch of countries that I
ship to and it includes Canada. I’ve shipped to Australia and didn’t
have to specify shipping for each country....