From Seller Hub, go to the Payments tab on the top banner, then All
Transactions. From the itemized list that appears you can view more
details for each transaction if you wish. It should tell you how much,
what it was for, and where it was sent to.
When I drop off, I take the time to wait in line instead of just dumping
the packages at the designated counter. When I get to the window, I say
"Just a receipt, please". Generating a receipt forces them to scan right
there in front of you. I've neve...
There are a few places within the shipping label process that have an
option to provide feedback to eBay about the process. I suggest to
anyone that is as displeased with this change as I am to let them know
about it. If they ever bring the feature b...
I wouldn't draw any conclusions for the first 24 hours after listing
anything. eBay's priority is to get your listing live, and sometimes the
statistics can lag behind. This is also the busiest time of the year for
online sales, so I imagine the load...