How valuable are these items? You could always put in for a package
intercept and have the items returned to you. This will cost you money,
but if you need to refund the buyers and also want your items back, it’s
an option. If these are $300 items, t...
It happens with collectibles too. A seller lists the same collectible on
eBay and several other sites and either forgets to take it down here
after it sells elsewhere, or it sells simultaneously on two sites. I’ve
been disappointed a few times becaus...
I actually don’t even think the buyer was lying when she said there was
no communication. You can cancelled the sale without any communication
and she had time to message you before you messaged her. That’s zero
communication about an issue. How do y...
OP, are you looking at your listings on the app or on a PC?I shop
exclusively on the app and don’t think these promoted items are nearly
as bothersome/overwhelming in this format. When I open an item, the
pictures are on top, which I can swipe throug...
I hate searching with best match. I feel like the eBay algorithm doesn’t
know me at all and it pushes items I don’t want on me. I find newly
listed the best search option in collectibles category when shopping.