Tracking doesn't work right with the cardboard envelope we get from
eBay. I use PWE works 99% of the time once in a while tracking does stop
in transit portion, but that could be a USPS problem...
Return was approved does buyer get a return label automatically I can't
find in any drop down menu a place for me to send a label to buyer. Are
we aloud to sell sports team players in uniforms with ethnic
connotations. Sent a Funko Pop with player in...
Buyer doesn't have eBay app and can't seem to find an email with a QR
code for proof of delivery. I told him it's better with the code. I saw
in help section we can except cash. Can I ask eBay after to deduct from
my account the fees and taxes being ...
Makes trading cards look worse, all edges of the cards, I would imagine
it does the same to all paper products. If you already have a white
background and it's a little darker than you like it would be better if
you would just adjust the brightness i...