after years of selling here, I can tell you they will side with a buyer
a.k.a thief. i moved away from this platform and never looked back,
sorry about you getting ripped off but ebay does not care about your
business, they are only concerned about t...
Once on their radar, you will stay. Loss of sales, they are hiding your
listings and no telling what else. From reading several e-commerce sites
it looks like they are manipulating thousands of sellers by hiding them
from view. They won’t admit it so...
Wow, I’m so sorry, Unfortunately you’re correct and I’ve been through
this too, my #1 reason I quit selling on eBay, you can see by my profile
sales, I left long ago. I’m unsure what you can you to recoup the money
other than sue in court and push th...
How about I RAISE MY VOICE against the new eBay fee increase, double
whammy first USPS now eBay fee's increase effective shorty 2017, how
about that? what say you fleece bay? hmm nothing?? , [as usual]. I have
all but moved my entire business away to...
I didnt know about the e-sign act, all information shred is extreemly
valuable and I hope you continue to update us. Im disappointed in the
USPS, I would definatly pursue that she cannot claim that its not hers
to so why would they let her? I underst...