My money is stuck since Jan 29th. Changed from credit union to regular
bank account. Still not getting my money. With all the terrible changes
eBay has made in the last 20 years, this is the biggest mess. Plus
charging selling fees on shipping and ta...
I am just laughing reading some posts here. it doesn't effing matter
what eBay tells you!! The fact is that eBay calculates the selling fee
on what the customer paid including shipment and taxes! That is insane!
Just INSANE! Combined with the mega di...
Same here. I have been on eBay for over 20 years and this is it for me.
The MP process is complete and utter $#!t. eBay has gotten worse and
worse all the time but now I cant even get my money from sales and eBay
just don't care. I removed all my lis...