Bill Breckinridge no longer adds "In his opinion" on his COA's because
it is not his opinion anymore but a precise science with the development
of the newer software used with the Raman. I've used it and so have
other respectable authenticators who s...
Raman spectography is not new but the software used to determine the
patina and composition of the material is. I had 9 points authenticated
and it's 100% accurate. Sounds like you're either one of these fakers or
just a skeptic of science. At any ra...
Josh, Hope you're still around. I'm looking for ANY information on
exposing these "artifakers" here on Ebay. Do you know if a
person(seller) lists an item as 100 %authentic if it's legal under Ebay
rules? I have never bought points until recently and...
Thanks Josh. We need to stop this now!!!! Many people on here deceiving
the public and ruining a really great hobble for $$$. The Raman
Spectography offered by Bill Breckinridge eliminates 100% of fakes. He
will "authenticate" w/o written report for ...
Bill Breckinridge does a new technique called Raman Spectograghy which
uses laser light beams to penetrate the stone and give an accurate 100%
age of the item. It is a big problem here on ebay with people selling
"artifakes" making tens of thousands ...