@ohnojoey wrote:What was the $76.09 fee for? " I was told they would
follow up with me in regards to these accounting issues and yet never
did." I hear this all to often from other sellers, that CS has no
integrity.The same applies for sellers expect...
The one time I had a late defect removed we had a bad winter storm.
Three feet of snow fell, they gave it a name, it was all over the news,
electricity went out we had to survive for days on generator power with
no internet at all. The schools and al...
@hiperfparts wrote:Are they waiving the penalty for cancelling a store
subscription due to the (insert expletive) changes going on with the
site? It's not what we signed up for and we have almost had it!It does
appear the changes (just for example to...
I don't need proof, I already know they don't care but lets play devil's
advocate and assume you speak the truth which I am sure you do... Lets
also say ebay allows you to win, do you know what happens next? One or
two more wins like yours, a few mor...