Since when? Is this recent? I never had to do this before, like a month
or two back. And thanks GOD I didn't fall for this new eBay scam. What
POS is eBay now days man What else is eBay going to do to run customers
Can't return an item that is bad / defective, can't appeal it and to add
injury to the insult, my negative feedback for the seller has been
removed. How in the eF does one still buys stuff on eBay cuz for me I am
so reffing done with this place
Why did eBay sided with a seller in removing my negative feedback
without even consulting me or asking my side of the story? That's
absolute **bleep** This seller misrepresented his sale and he was
missing two key components. One missing component ar...
Why did eBay allow me to sale any items fully knowing that I have no
bank account linked to my account. I've been am eBay customers for over
20 years and 99% of the times I buy stuff. Once in a blue moon I sale
something. I just made a sale and I nee...
Most of you here are sellers and have no clue how the real world works
honestly. Basically is like we're asked to hand you our money before the
negations start which both are wrong to begin with. 1. we can't hand you
any money in any circumstances, f...
You see that's where you got it wrong. This should be, I will show you
the money in my HAND so you know I am good if you accept my offer. So I
have PayPal I am verified, that means I do have the funds. What you're
describing and eBay want is to hand ...
The issue is that I do not want and WILL NOT provide payment information
just to make an offer. Might as well apply the same rule when you start
bidding on an item. What if you won the item and won't pay? Same
scenario right? That will be one way to ...
I ALLWAYS pay when offer is accepted. But why would anyone need my
payment info upfront before making an offer? What if the sellers denies
my offer? I provided my payment information to a system that I have no
control or visibility over. This does no...
There are other elegant and less intrusive ways to hold buyers
responsible rather than holding everyones PayPal and Credit Card
information. So for me to sale on eBay I had to link and give eBay full
access to my bank account, and I said the HELL NO....