Hello, I’m getting just about tired of buyers agreeing to buy a product
at a certain price. Then 1-3 days later asking to cancel the product.
Anyone else getting tired of this? I wish eBay would protect its sellers
better than this.
So many problems I don’t even know where to start! 1. with you so called
“update” day I had to put off orders to be a shipped to customers cause
we couldn’t access certain shipping options that we offered! 2. with
your so called “update” how many way...
It’s a complete USPS ERROR! When standard card shipping in PWE Some
envelope’s get returned with postage due because of 2 reason.. 1 the
postal working might be new and is not familiar with eBay standard
shipping. Or 2 they’re all just a bunch of idi...
Yep I’ve done this on numerous occasions. Just get frustrating when we
both think the amount is fair. I wish these buyers would sit in our
chair once in awhile!
Yea I agree 100% on the forced to deal with negative feedback and cases.
It just gets annoying when there’s other customers whole heartily
wanting the product and we are forced to re-list it! In some cases the
2nd chance offer is wonderful but this d...
Yea I’ve fixed 50 of mine and I’m exhausted! Feels like I’m going 5
different places to finish 1 item specific’s and then it doesn’t seem to
take. I’m about to say hell with them! And just start fresh listing and
let the others run out 1 by 1 over ti...