Is this Reason really a good reason to ask for a refund on something I
sold?"Found a better price" I don't think so and re-thinking my decision
to be a Top Rated + seller and offer free refunds.
Whay does EBAY's File Echange make you put books in the wrong category?I
see a lot of my books going into 228, Texbooks/education but I know they
are really Fiction/Literature.Frustrating..............
I mail a lot of packages and I see this a lot when I use a SCAN sheet to
try to save the postal worker some work at the counter. I have packages
showing "acceptance pending" for days after I dropped them off and got a
receipt for the SCAN sheet. This...
"If you take returns, buyer can return for any reason." I know but i'd
rather they lie and use a better excuse. Maybe the box was too square or
the color didn't match their eyes, anything else. You can probably
always find a better price but will you...