Sellers can get 5 negative feedbacks removed any 5 they want even if
they're compliant with ebay's guidelines and deserved or not for every
1000 positive feedback they get. Literally all of the negative feedback
I've ever left has been deleted within...
Sellers can get 5 negative feedbacks removed any 5 they want even if
they're compliant with ebay's guidelines and deserved or not for every
1000 positive feedback they get. Literally all of the negative feedback
I've ever left has been deleted within...
That's why retail stores don't have any masks, idiots like this guy buys
them all to gouge on here. And has sold a lot of them wow. AND they're
the ones with exhalation valves, so if you go out and get the virus, all
the air and virus you exhale goes...
And apparently eBay is fine with the price, the listing used to say 'due
to the coronavirus' and that part is deleted now after all of you
reported it. But the listing is still there with the $10,000 price.
These people buying pallets of masks to gou...