I see ebay is going back wards like it was years ago, people allowed to
list thing low and then you look at the shipping cost and is
astronomical, and second beef is people making shipping labels and is
counted as shipped when they wait a week or lon...
feed back is nothing but a joke any more, why even bother? changes you
make take any control from buyers won't waste me time any more since it
is counterfeit
seller should have to ship as soon as paid for not a dam week later and
is getting more and more common amazone does nt do that **bleep** and
about ready to drop ebay for amazon
my main comment is what the fux,you are going back wards not forward and
I am about done with you, not worth the trouble ,you have serious issues
with dishonest sellers and you are not fixing
it used to have some relevance so buyers know if purchasing from a
trusted buyer or not, but guess that no longer applies, ebay seems to be
going backwards not forward and I buy less on there all the time and
other seems to feel same as I do maybe so...