I have two Pay Pal accounts. I've only authorized E_bay to use one of
those. But EBay is withdrawing funds from the other account also. EBay
and Pay Pal each blame the other. What to do?
The procedure to revoke a token on the personal account doesn't work.
I've went there several times, with the exact 4 steps. There is no EBay
located there.
Precisely the reason. I received payments owed to me using friends and
family and Pay-Pal eliminated this option. So I can still receive
payments, but have to pay a fee, and Pay-Pal treats these payments as
income, and this is reported to the IRS as ...
Appreciate your help! After flipping back and forth between accounts, my
old business account that was always authorized to pay EBay, the layout
is what you describe, and I can go to EBay and there's the option to
cancel EBay as you say. When I go to...
I never chose to use it, and never gave the information to EBay. I think
it's something Pay-Pal did on their own. I went to Pay-Pal, and
settings, automatic payments, and I just can't find anywhere to revoke
the authorization??