For all Sellers that have been forced to give eBay your full bank
statement: It is understandable in a dystopian capitalist sense that
some person in the upper echelons of eBay has decided to monetize the
eBay user base. They have concocted an excuse...
How do I talk to somebody at eBay?? I was forced into using this Managed
Payment system and now I am not allowed to sell A PENNY!?!? I cannot
call, email, text, chat.. Nothing.
Everything I buy online, every store I go to, every restaurant, who I
have my car insurance with, my health insurance, mortgage payments, what
brokerage houses I use, concerts I go to, airlines I fly on, every
everything. It is all fungible. Unfortun...
Unfortunately since my account is on restriction I cannot do anything in
my store, I cannot cancel my store, I cannot cancel my ebay account. To
make matters even worse, they are deducting my store fees from the money
they are holding. This is more o...
So if you CC is not attached to your bank then it does not show in your
statement, it shows in mine. As far as eBays intentions with regard to
your financial date, read 9, 12, and 14. And thats just the tip of the
My apologies, Ebay holding my money and refusing to cancel my account
and my store while they continue to deduct my ebay monthly store fees
from the money they are holding is indefensible. I have more respect for
a mugger who sticks a gun in my face ...
I have been an ebay member for over 15 years, same bank account, same
address, same email, same phone#. I never have ANY large transactions
and months go by where I do not sell anything. in a good year I might
sell a total of $2000. The money launder...