They ruin everything for completely no reason. Sales down, fees
up...Buyer is ALWAYS right. Its not even worth selling on here anymore,
They killed a once great site. For no reason whatsoever other than they
have to justify paying web developers 7 fi...
It's a sinking ship and eBay has no one to blame but themselves. Classic
case of "If it ain't broke don't fix it" They have some really retahded
people on the payroll that's for sure.They have been making it worse and
worse every year.I can't even sh...
Thanks for posting that link. I get so wrapped up in my real job then
eBay stuff I barely know how to navigate the website. I did notice I was
getting screwed on shipping though....Probem solved!
I finally thought eBay was doing something good and helpful for the
sellers ...Then bam! All is back to normal. Its not like we have any
expenses or anything....Derps
Its total **bleep**. eBay is making their problems with buyers our
problems , I sold a $1200 , 1980's bmx bike, a couple day after delivery
I get a message saying they are holding my funds till the dispute this
clown tried to pull is resolved.Luckily...