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customer service

how does a member reach customer service? AND live help, how does that happen?

Message 1 of 6
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Re: customer service

what service? phone only to them they used to do email but dont any more


Message 2 of 6
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Re: customer service

There is no resolutions to problems with ebay.  Whoever you speak to, have the same response.  Like they are reading from a book & don't take into consideration they there are individual problems that should be remeided by a real person with a brain.

Message 3 of 6
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Re: customer service



safeguards in place to protect sellers




opportunity to leave Feedback about your experience. That Feedback is an essential part of what makes eBay a successful community.

Feedback consists of a positive, negative, or neutral rating, along with a short comment. Buyers and sellers build reputations that are based on all the Feedback ratings and comments left by their trading partners.


 " safeguards in place to protect sellers"??? BIGGEST LIE!!!!!!!!!





















Message 4 of 6
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Re: customer service

Smiley MadWhat customer service,,, if your a seller your screwed,, ebay is one sided and on the buyers side no matter what. I have been selling since 2004 and noe they are holding my funds like i'm a new seller,, this is getting old, I have a few more items I want to get rid of then i'm paying my last high seller fees and getting the hell out. If ebay ever decides to be fair to both buyer and seller I might be back but I don't see that happening,, i wish about 1/2 of the sellers would quit selling for a month or two and see if the buyers could keep ebay alive. They would go belly up without us sellers. all I can say is ebay your crooked as hell and suppend me from buying and selling on your one sided site cause I really don't give a **bleep**,,,, your days are numbered, There will be a fair site come around and alot of your sellers are jumping aboard the new ship that dont make the sellers walk the plank.  Like I said ebay,,, do what you got to do but it's the truth and you know it. Ebay don't make my living so if you suppend me who cares.

Message 5 of 6
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Re: customer service

Eight negatives - seven from the same buyer for selling fakes- and three neutrals, two about packaging.



Message 6 of 6
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