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PayPal only?

EBay is going to insist on PayPal only -they willno longer accept checks, Personal or company -this practise can hinder oursales-Does anyone know if this is a vi0lation of Fair Trade?

Al Bloom

Americom Communications

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PayPal only?

ebay has nothing to do with it paypal takes anything

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PayPal only?

eBay owns PaPal , so what your saying is not true

Al Bloom

Americom Communications

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PayPal only?

if your worried do what i did dump ebay and paypals next

Message 4 of 7
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PayPal only?

good advice.  we should all do what we have been thinking for a long time.  Loose ebay and paypal.  They have been robbing us blind and treating us like dirt for too long.

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PayPal only?

everyones been paying ebay and paypal all your profits so they can shut you down i just got thing in mail to open store but i'm not allowed to sell 2 places of interest with no seller fees webstore and 1cart

Message 6 of 7
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PayPal only?

Seriously, guys?

I am going to be generous and assume that none of you have ever worked retail or run a business before finding eBay.


Let's start with "eBay only allows Paypal payments". Not true. The seller cannot demand payment by a non-electronically viewable method, but those methods include a couple of similar payment companies and the seller's own merchant credit card account.

The buyer is always allowed to offer alternative payment.

It is the BUYER's who want to pay by PP. It is immediate, if they back it with a credit card. It is free to the buyer, unlike money orders and cheques. And the buyer's payment is protected against scammers.

In our business (35 years B&M and over 20 online with eBay and others) (this is one of seven eBay IDs). our online customers prefer Paypal over giving us their cc information by phone, email or fax. This includes several who have been buying from us, directily from our website or our public auctions for years and are still using PP.


Selling fees run around 9-10% of the money your buyer sends. That's pretty decent compared to other retail  business costs. Of your margin is less than 10%, you are selling the wrong thing to the wrong customer.  My margins on low priced items is about 90-100% (Buy for a dollar, sell for $10)/. My time (at 17 cents a minute, Ontario minimum wage), packaging costs (around 35 cents) and insurance (maybe a penny), double that dollar. I'm not getting rich, but I do have a nice pension fund.




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