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ebay unfair to sellers

why does ebay have such distain for its sellers. Up untill 4 weeks ago I was a top rated seller with 100% feedback (1150 transactions) then I made the mistake of selling to low rated buyers (little or now feedback), at which point I recieved 2 neutral and 1 neg feedback, one was for dust in the bottom of a vase, second was not as described shoe size, when detailed measurements were provided, and my favorite was not shipping to a non verified address, all resulted in my calling customer (non) support, at which time I was denied any resolution, now as a result my seller rating was lowered and my funds are pending on paypal. So I removed all of my listings, canceled my current active auctions and will be moving on, I am sorry I wasted 4 years of my time thinking ebay was great, when it is a terrible environment for sellers, and the people who make policy should be terminated. Just type ebay unfair to its sellers in Google and look at the thousands of complaints. I will be making it my mission to trash ebay on every venue possible, and I will be in good company, also paypal is a joke, 4 years of flawless transactions and they put my funds on hold?????????????????????

Message 1 of 260
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259 REPLIES 259

Re: ebay unfair to sellers -- and sometimes to buyers, too.

They (Ebay) are crooks! I quit today after 15 years. They just keep getting worse and worse. They tell you must offer returns but buyer has to pay return shipping. All the buyer has to do is claim defective and all of a sudden, unbenounced to seller, seller is responsible for return shipping. I made a sale, got positive feedback on it, and a week later they make a claim and say it was damaged! Well if it is damaged they did it. When they received it they said it was beautiful!!!! The auction photos show it was pristine! Buyer sends photos that show nothing to the contrary yet ebay wipes out my paypal account to reimburse the buyer! Unbelievable!!! If you were a crook, like ebay, you could buy stuff everyday and get your money back and probably keep the item! There are other sites, nowadays. That's where I'm going and I will help them grow. Ebay is down the tubes. It used to be a marketing platform for the common man. Now, its for big business! Companies who do such volume that they can absorb the loss from these dishonest buyers. It only takes 1 or 2 of those crooked buyers to wipe out a little guy like me. Ebay SUCKS!

Message 46 of 260
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Re: ebay unfair to sellers -- and sometimes to buyers, too.

I've had NO positive experiences with Ebay support. I'm very tired of paying ridiculously high seller fees and get no seller support or allowing a single user to destroy my reputation. Ebay is driving away sellers with high fees and no seller support. Ebay has traffic but other sites like Etsy are gaining popularity for treating sellers better.
Message 47 of 260
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Re: ebay unfair to sellers -- and sometimes to buyers, too.

I'm on the same boat as you.  I've had 100% feedback since 2002.  I sold a $70 dollar item over a month ago.  The buyer left me positive feedback, but a month later wants to return the item as defective.  I cannot believe that eBay is letting him do it.  Now, I'm out of $70, shipping there and back, plus a busted item that the buyer broke.  I listed the item correctly, as used, and no returns.  It's not a lot of money, but I'm done with ebay.  What if it was something in the thousands?  Every time I sell something I cross my fingers in hope that the buyer isn't a crook.  Way too much protection for buyers and nothing for sellers.  I guess it's okay if you have a business and can take a loss here and there, but definitely not fair for others.  I'm done! 

Message 48 of 260
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Re: ebay unfair to sellers -- and sometimes to buyers, too.

Just so you know, sometimes ebay is ufair to buyers.  I bought a pair of designer pants that arrived with a prominent ink stain.  The seller says the ink stain wasn't there when she shipped it, but it was on the back of the pants so maybe she didn't  notice it.  All her photos were of the front of the garment. So I told her I'd have them cleaned and see if the stain came out otherwise I'd send them back and she agreed.  The stain did not come out.  Then she refused to let me return them.  I appealed to ebay who decided against me because I had had them cleaned.  This seems super unfair to me.  Really unfair.  But that's life, eh? 

Message 49 of 260
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Re: ebay unfair to sellers -- and sometimes to buyers, too.

Well I am also done....


On the same day that a buyer who requested a custom made dress then changed her mind... due to no fault of my own ebay has sided with her and left me out  ££££...


Followed ofcourse by a notication that due to unscruplous buyers like said customer deciding that items"were not as described" and costing me thousands in returned stock and postage fees (yes you read right, ebay has been charging me for the priviledge of customer returning their items, despite the original cost of postage to the customer also automatically being refunded to them, regardless of the cause)...  I am apparently below standard.


Well I agree ebay you win, I call it quits...consider this the straw which broke the camels back


There has to be a better way and infact thank you for leading me today to open an amazon accont, maybe when you have no one selling any products on ebay anymore you will see how many buyers return then..


PS I took down several listings today.. watch as if by magic how they will miraculously appear on Amazon...


Keep shooting yourself in the foot ebay. 




Message 50 of 260
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Re: ebay unfair to sellers -- and sometimes to buyers, too.

eBay customer service is useless. The 2 idiots I talked to were in Asia! I had a buyer demand to return pre-owned basketball shorts because she said they had a stain. I uploaded pictures of what was actually shipped and no stains. Then the buyer changed the story to a rip. She uploads a picture which is clearly not what I sent her. I upload the actual picture so she and eBay has it.


I refuse the refund. She opens a case so I call eBay & get two people who can barely speak English. They both kept saying that the buyer's pictures had stains & my pictures don't matter.


What good is taking 100% accurate pictures for the listings, when the buyer can just photoshop some and then send them to eBay. The crook gets to keep the shorts and eBay makes me refund.


All a buyer has to do to get free stuff on eBay is say the item is not as described and then photoshop some pictures. I only said item was used & pre-owned so I have no idea how eBay considers that as not as described.


Not being able to leave negative feedback for this dishonest buyer is just plain stupid. Basically now days every single buyer has 100% positive feedback. Feedback means nothing.


Eventually eBay will go the way of myspace, ubid, etc. Fees to high, dishonest buyers and the worst customer service I have ever dealt with!


Message 51 of 260
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Re: ebay unfair to sellers -- and sometimes to buyers, too.

I shared the same feeling as everyone in this post.  I recently sold a wallet and it is new condition.  6 days later, buyer said there're stain on the zipper and demanding refund.  I fought the battle and lost.  I am very angry because a dishonst buyer can easily walk away with anything,  I have few things left and I will call it a quit.  I am not selling to make living and I live without bidding anything.  I want to let the story out but donot know how.  If there're site out there that can let people know how bad eBay is; I am willing to support it.


Message 52 of 260
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Re: ebay unfair to sellers -- and sometimes to buyers, too.

Really wish i saw this **bleep** about ebay first. Had lost my job, my car died past repair and my dad passed away in the same month. the only way to make money was to sell my music collection on ebay. Was luredi nto waiting for payments over a month of over $1000 from 10 different buyers(don't know why they are called buyers, they never pay). And guess what can't get my fees back and i can't even turn them in for non payment. and the absolute best part. they leave negative feedback for me even though they never paid for anything! and as you all already know, sellers can't leave negative feedback. **bleep**s ruined my life!. will be homeless within 2 - 3 months. not exagerating! thank you so much ebay, never did anything in my life to deseve this!

Message 53 of 260
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Re: ebay unfair to sellers -- and sometimes to buyers, too.

Ebay wants to be like Amazon and could care less about sellers and to its demise is losing great sellers what to do file unfair and deceptive trade practice complaint with dept of consumer affairs.  cause of action: Ebay punishes (self enriches by withholding selling discounts for sellers who do not offer returns but eBay forces returns on 100% of sales if it wants to and keeps the fees) eBay also advertises buyer protection in decptive way: It appears eBay is providing the protection but it reverts back to seller for the protection in all cases.  Even if a seller has a no return policy to protect the sellers business, eBay uses this as the tool to charge more all the time knowing it forces returns.  See its a dirty trick allowing eBay to win, win, win.....I could list the ways eBay screwed me but we all know.  So are there any good attorneys out there with balls?

Message 54 of 260
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Re: ebay unfair to sellers -- and sometimes to buyers, too.

eBay seems to think that small sellers are like Amazon. They seem to think we have an endless supply of share-holder cash. This is why we should all be offering refunds where the buyer keeps the item and free shipping without question. 


Unlike Amazon I want to make money or else I'm better off just throwing said items in the trash. 


I will warn people selling electronic items to take pictures of the serial number esp when selling smart phones and tablets. There's way too many scammers looking for a free device. 

Message 55 of 260
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Re: ebay unfair to sellers -- and sometimes to buyers, too.

I so agree, eBay is so unfair about feedback as it concerns there sellers. I rec’d negative feedback because the item did not get to the buyer in the estimated time that eBay put on the listing even though I shipped it out the very next mailing day, (item was bought on a Saturday and I mailed it on Monday). I even have proof on the tracking sheet. eBay told me there was nothing they could do even with the proof because the customer did not receive the item within the estimated time they posted. Can someone tell me how that is fair! You do everything you are suppose to do and because the mail was held up due to weather you can get a bad review which then affects your rating. What the heck eBay!!!!!!

Message 56 of 260
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Re: ebay unfair to sellers -- and sometimes to buyers, too.

Hi all, I have also had a huge problem with eBay and my sellers account. My sellers performance had fallen under eBay's standards after I was having personal problems, my grandfather who was like a father to me had past away and my metally Ill partner was going through a really rough stage, she was suicidel, violent and needed around the clock attention. I contact EBay just befor they shut my account down to explain my problems and to find out what I need to do to stop this from happening but before I could do anything they shut me out. I had 99.8% feedback so just about all my customers were happy and anyone that's sold on eBay knows that there's always someone trying to take advantage and scam small time eBay sellers, no thanks to eBay.
I advise you all to send your storeys to your local newspaper, radio and TV network, also post your story on Facebook or Twitter and if possible get professional advice.
I'm talking with an Australian TV program that investergate the storey and then display it all over Australian TV, so I'll keep you all posted about that.
Message 57 of 260
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Re: ebay unfair to sellers -- and sometimes to buyers, too.

Hi all, I have also had a huge problem with eBay and my sellers account. My sellers performance had fallen under eBay's standards after I was having personal problems, my grandfather who was like a father to me had past away and my metally Ill partner was going through a really rough stage, she was suicidel, violent and needed around the clock attention. I contact EBay just befor they shut my account down to explain my problems and to find out what I need to do to stop this from happening but before I could do anything they shut me out. I had 99.8% feedback so just about all my customers were happy and anyone that's sold on eBay knows that there's always someone trying to take advantage and scam small time eBay sellers, no thanks to eBay.
I advise you all to send your storeys to your local newspaper, radio and TV network, also post your story on Facebook or Twitter and if possible get professional advice.
I'm talking with an Australian TV program that investergate the storey and then display it all over Australian TV, so I'll keep you all posted about that.
Message 58 of 260
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Re: ebay unfair to sellers -- and sometimes to buyers, too.

I guess this will be a parting statement for Ebay. 

I feel that MY best interests as a seller have NOT been represented in this  transaction. 
Briefly: I sold an iPhone 5 to an international buyer at auction.
In retrospect, I should not have honored the sale due to of my lack of experience with the mechanics of shipping to an international buyer; but, I wanted to be an honorable seller, so I followed through…even though the buyer would not communicate with me!
I located an international shipping portal THROUGH EBAY, and purchased a label (thus thinking I was doing the correct thing)!
A MONTH after shipping the phone, I got a notice FROM EBAY…not the buyer, indicating non-receipt of the item. I again contacted the buyer..through the Ebay communication portal, and got no response. My next notice was from Ebay saying the money had been refunded on my behalf and I would now have to re-pay Ebay!
At this point, I would be out of an iPhone AND the money for it!
I have been attempting to locate the package through the USPS, but they can’t help once it leaves the U.S.!
Given the lack of communication and other factors outlined above, It is very possible that I am the victim of a scam, in which EBAY is being complicit! In light of that possibility, I filed a claim with Ebay. I have only received one notice that “Ebay would be in touch with me…”
They are making NO effort to look out for MY interests in this.
Refunding $250 to Ebay will not make me or my family miss any meals; but the principle of this will not allow me to do it.
I have called many times. I have been civil and discussed only the facts. I know I’m a small fish in a big ocean. I am now the fish that got away..
Message 59 of 260
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Re: ebay unfair to sellers -- and sometimes to buyers, too.

Paid almost $90k in fees in 2015, with sales of almost $1.2 million. I can confirm that eBay DOES NOT care about sellers. 

Message 60 of 260
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