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eBay stock dropps 9% after PayPal report of "WEAK VOLUME TRENDS" due to eBay Throttling

EBay's stock tumbles more than 9% on Friday Oct, 19 2018 after PayPal suggests weak volume trends at former parent Co. eBay. This is no surprise to many of us sellers here on eBay who have experienced the throttling of our paid for US based Premium stores. The story about this can be found by Googling "eBay Stock Price" or here is a link to Market Watch story:

For all of the neigh sayers of the fact that eBay throttles & limits accounts we now have confirmation via PayPal. EBay has backed Chines sellers who had advantages of cheap shipping rates, production of counterfeit cheap knock off items produced in violation of child labor laws. However, the Chines free ride on the cheap shipping cost is coming to an end. Now what eBay? You slapped every US based seller in the face limiting our sales for years to push the sales of the Chines based seller. They won't be able to compete when they have to spend $20 to ship their $9 item!

     My personal experience with the eBay throttling model is this: I am currently in a 33hr blackout from sales with 1020 unique items listed. A slow day is 5 sales...I have had 0 in the past 33hrs! I can prove exactly when this started as eBay was nice enough to provide me with sales reports. In Aug 2016 I was on par to make $150K going into the holiday season where I make most of my sales. From Aug, 2016 to now I have been throttled to $70K per year. I combated this limitation of sales by DOUBLING my inventory by Aug, 2018. Result, a continued limitation to my sales. I doubled my inventory and my sales are still decreasing! Nobody can explain this away with anything other than eBay LIMITING/THROTTLING my account to an exact number. I pay for a Premium store and I am told I have NO LIMITS and that eBay does not LIMIT the amount of sales I can make. REALLY? I can prove this is going on and has been since 2012, however the past 2 years it has been an additional limitation to an exact number! This, eBay is why your stock is down 24% year to date! You can no longer hide the issues that CEO Devin Wenig has fleeced the eBay company while single handedley  caused the demise of 10's of 1000's of US based companies doing business on your site. IMO

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Re: eBay stock dropps 9% after PayPal report of "WEAK VOLUME TRENDS" due to eBay Throttlin

eBay promotions...


Ebay can almost double their Final Value Fees by 'encouraging' sellers to promote their items. I have tried it and thereby I am part of the so called 'throttling' problem.


Recently I ran a campaign through eBay promotions that meant I paid an extra 8% on top of my final value fees for the extra exposure. But I only paid the extra if my item sold. In my case around 20 items were sold. Not overly impressed with that but at least some things sold.


BUT.. I had 400 items on promotion, ALL showing in prominent position every time a buyer searched.


Great for me but not so good for the sellers who had their item pushed off of a prominent position for my 380 non selling ones on every search.


The only hope the other sellers would have had is to promote their items too, thereby demoting mine (possibly).


This is natural 'throttling' of the sort we would find with physical stores. We are either in the High Street paying high rents and getting some turnover or in the back streets, paying low rent and scraping a living. We pay our rent money and we take our choice of location. Ultimately that would mean paying more to be where the action is.


Of course... expect lower net profits (due to extra costs) and ever increasing competition (due to those willing to pay those extra costs) just as the physical stores are experiencing in the malls. Also, as with physical stores at the moment, expect closures.


To my thinking there will be a limit to what buyers will pay or can afford so it would mean that the squeeze will be on the sellers by both eBay (in extra fees) and the consumer (not willing to pay more). The consumers have an immense amount of choice about where they shop, sellers do not have that same immense amount of choice about where to sell.


Where do I think this will end for eBay? My answer has to be 'Right back where they started'.


eBay's niche always was and always will be... Consumer perception of a bargain and subsequent acceptance of cheaper less speedy service upon purchase.


The days of Chinese flooding of some eBay sectors are numbered. The reason is that even the Chinese will not be able to weather the increased costs of eBay promotion. Mass listing at loss leader prices will not be sustainable. eBay will of course suffer as a result but this is a good thing, they need to suffer, they need to downsize, they need to be forced to recapture their original niche.


As soon as they do, the smallers sellers will benefit, many more will return and the cycle will begin again.


For what it is worth eBay.... I will happily buy eBay for $1 when the insolvency comes and return it to what it was.




















'Working for free and updating my sites to match eBay Partner Network's policy changes is my passion.'
Message 121 of 132
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Re: eBay stock dropps 9% after PayPal report of "WEAK VOLUME TRENDS" due to eBay Throttlin

Great post bag - too many people want to live in the past when there were no other online market places - when not everyone was selling anything they can put their hands on - thereby flooding sites with items that may not be desirable - before Chinese sellers sold in abundance with free shipping.


Best bet is not all these great sellers left Ebay - many who said they left are still selling here despite their gripes - many came back after realizing they have the same problems on other sites and many others either retired or died - that's reality folks. I'm not drinking the kool - aid but some here are living in the past and you can't bring back the old days - you have to adapt to the new.

Message 122 of 132
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Re: eBay stock dropps 9% after PayPal report of "WEAK VOLUME TRENDS" due to eBay Throttlin

That was a great post. However I do want to point out that people on here talk about throttling being a personal thing. Not based on promotions or giant sellers but that Ebay intentionally turns specific people off. Like if they get to a certain level of sales in the month.


I don't agree with the way Ebay runs the search. I want to see everyone. However a bad search and promotions is not the same as Ebay throttling individual sellers just because.

Message 123 of 132
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Re: eBay stock dropps 9% after PayPal report of "WEAK VOLUME TRENDS" due to eBay Throttlin

@the*dog*ate*my*tablecloth wrote:

That was a great post. However I do want to point out that people on here talk about throttling being a personal thing. Not based on promotions or giant sellers but that Ebay intentionally turns specific people off. Like if they get to a certain level of sales in the month.


I don't agree with the way Ebay runs the search. I want to see everyone. However a bad search and promotions is not the same as Ebay throttling individual sellers just because.

I don't believe it's "targeting" anyone, or that it's "intentionally" turned on.


But we have been affected by a bug that caused this to happen to us for months, to a point where no matter what actions you take and how you market yourself, the drop continues, until the bug affecting statistics on your account is fixed.


I have screenshots that display the situation clearly. During the issue you can see even our top items plummeting to a fraction of the impressions.


Once that bug was fixed, I have the screenshots of our top items flying back up the charts, and even the current screenshots of our impressions pages, showing that our marketing team's strategies DO work on eBay.


I just want to make sure everyone is aware, there are BUGS/GLITCHES out there that really do make it so even if you ramp up your marketing team and have the cheapest items on eBay with all the "best practice" offerings, until those bugs away, people literally can't find your listings.


I don't believe it's intentional at all. Definitely related to the bugs, as the statistics all reported wrong when the bug started, and everything back to normal once it was fixed.


Also, based on conversations I had with some members of the Utah office, they are aware of the bug as well and trying to get it fixed, but the tech team is being problematic in fixing it.

Message 124 of 132
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Re: eBay stock dropps 9% after PayPal report of "WEAK VOLUME TRENDS" due to eBay Throttlin

What is this bug? I have never called ebay about my sales but I am about to because I am now down 60% IN THE RED from the past 30 days and just under 60% from this time last year. add this to the 30% drop I had last month we are talking about a almost 90% free fall in the last 2 months. I have averaged $500-$600 dollars in sales EVERY SINGLE month for 6 years untill now. I have 21 sales for just over $400 for the MONTH right now 25 days in with over 1200 items listed and new items added everyday. Take away my one $269.00 4 sale day on the 14th this month 1 DAY BEFORE MY $290.00 bill was due guess what I have sold the other 24 days? $140.00 total. Something Very Screwy is going on. So what should I be telling CS to be looking for?

Message 125 of 132
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Re: eBay stock dropps 9% after PayPal report of "WEAK VOLUME TRENDS" due to eBay Throttlin

Thank you for sharing your bug issue, 

I have been complaing for weeks now that there is something wrong with my account as both my stores dropped off a cliff! no one sees it and tells me all is well... my reasoning is on the surface but dig deeper and the data is telling you! compare my change of prices to lower and promotions and sales to try and jump start sales, all to no avail... I couldnt give anything away! so I knew it was not my product! seller for years knows these things and if ebay would listen to us more, these issues would not get out of hand! I know of many sellers that only sold on ebay and now they sell on multiple sites!!! ebay loses the sales again!  I have two stores that are on life support, decision.... do I pull the pulg or wait for a fix?????


China sellerrs are destroying the viewing experience on ebay!  buyer can give up easily after trying to sift through cheap items that take a month to deliver, myself being one of them! 

Message 126 of 132
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Re: eBay stock dropps 9% after PayPal report of "WEAK VOLUME TRENDS" due to eBay Throttlin

Thank you, same here!!!   I get a sale or two before fees are due! I am suffering exactly the same as you are! top rated seller wih guaranteed delivery! NO SALES??? go figure!!

Message 127 of 132
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Re: eBay stock dropps 9% after PayPal report of "WEAK VOLUME TRENDS" due to eBay Throttlin

Weak sales volume can be directly related to throttling or whatever anyone wants to call it. If they throttle sellers, they sell less and as a result, it means lower sale volume.
Message 128 of 132
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Re: eBay stock dropps 9% after PayPal report of "WEAK VOLUME TRENDS" due to eBay Throttlin

eBay problems started when they changed to "Best Match" years ego. It somehow favored Chinese sellers who could post thousands of items a day a dirt cheap prices over US sellers. I don't know how it worked but that was the results. 

Message 129 of 132
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Re: eBay stock dropps 9% after PayPal report of "WEAK VOLUME TRENDS" due to eBay Throttlin

The biggest problem I have with all of this is that I am still paying 35 cents to list things and all the final value fees if they sell so if they are not showing my items and I am paying to list them that is completely unfair and unethical business practices that someone should be looking into. I have followed all of ebays rules so it is about time they start being more fair to me at least as much as they are to others.

Message 130 of 132
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Re: eBay stock dropps 9% after PayPal report of "WEAK VOLUME TRENDS" due to eBay Throttlin

It's more than just eBay throttling. Google is throttling eBay ads as well.   Lot's of players involved in the ad game. 

Message 131 of 132
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Re: eBay stock dropps 9% after PayPal report of "WEAK VOLUME TRENDS" due to eBay Throttlin

@zamo-zuan wrote:

@the*dog*ate*my*tablecloth wrote:


I don't believe it's intentional at all. Definitely related to the bugs, as the statistics all reported wrong when the bug started, and everything back to normal once it was fixed.

I'm not sure if it's due to bugs.  I think it's more the bones of the search engine being programmed lazily.   I searched for "Transformers Legacy book" the other day and eBay determinedly pushed results like "Transforming Your Neighborhood" and "Transform Your Life".  Ridiculous. The only thing searching for "Transformers" should bring up, besides robots, is literal electrical transformers.  Human beings do not search for "transformers" when they are interested in "transforming", due to "Transformers" being associated with robots for 30 years.


But eBay's search is not sophisticated enough for that kind of nuance.   It is basic.  "Oh, someone is searching for [noun]?  Then automatically search for [similar verb ending in -ing].  Okay, programming is done!"  They don't think about things like "How do people actually use words?  What do people actually search for?  How do people behave in real life?" 


So much of eBay's problems boil down to not understanding how humans think.  It's like they're run by aliens. 


This is not a problem you encounter with an Amazon search.  On Amazon "Transformers book" brings up nothing but books about Transformers.

Message 132 of 132
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