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Purchasing Chinese Products

Tues 3-15-2022 11:26 p.m. This post provides some guidance on purchasing Chinese products. I am discouraged by high inflation, increasing interest rates, supply chain problems, quality control problems, Chinese saber rattling (that is, territorial co...

High food and gas prices affecting Internet sales.

If Trump was still President food and gas prices would be a lot cheaper and internet sales would be up and the stock market would be through the roof. Fall updates cause a little confusion but not enough to hurt sales that much after a week. I heard ...

User avatar by Trailblazer
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Hello, I'm sitting here watching the news and I see Russia is / has Invaded Ukraine as well as I was looking at auctions for metal detecting and I seen quite a few auctions that was made up by Russia. Normally this would not be a problem, but I feel ...

why EBAY Sucks!

Because they have no way to file complaints or to email any employees.

Non payers, returns unjustified, driving me nuts

So many non payers, wait 7 days for an auction to end and get paid then they dissappear. So many returns because the buyer is not educated on items sold, even with the best description, pictures, it doesn't seem to matter. ???????Ready to get off Eba...

How To Stretch Those GAS Dollars. It Really WORKS!

I've known this for years and it looks like it's time to share:It takes a one-time investment of filling your gas tank to the very top, and then never let your tank go below 3/4's of a tank. Ever. This is called Hoarding Gas (or Gas Hoarding) and the...

Emails Be Careful

My son is a software manager in cyber security.They are expecting an increase in emails to the average American in response to sanctions imposed.They have in the past used Amazon, CC companies and Google as a gateway, but they expect more attacks wit...

How long have you been on ebay?

Hi everyone. I have been on ebay since 1998, but have since gone through many different accounts. I’d get mad at ebay and close my account, then open another. My latest one I’ve had since 2011. I guess I finally grew up. Lol. So I’m curious, how long...

eBay Live

Raise your hand if you ever went to an eBay Live conference. I did Nola in 2005. Hotel room with a view:

NOLA - 04.jpeg
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