02-22-2022 12:05 PM
02-22-2022 12:11 PM
Because eBay deals with individuals buying and selling so why punish them for what there government do???.
We aint at war yet ........
02-22-2022 08:43 PM
Never put your trust in the news media.
Russia is full of good people, and I have dealt with some here as eBay sellers and in personal life.
Perhaps the news media is purposely attempting to convince us that Putin is the devil in order to deflect attention from the devils who want to collapse our own country. Over the past decade, I have viewed a number of videos where Putin was addressing small collections of people. He is a Christian who cares about keeping families together and keeping small communities and faith strong. His opposition to communism and commitment to individual freedoms can be seen in all of his talks. It is in his face and actions.
In my personal view of the situation, Putin appears to be strongly loyal to his country and his people, and is in opposition to the bad elements (within and without) that keep trying to push various countries into war and into one-world communism. He is not a war-monger, but also not a rollover.
What the news media perhaps failed to report is that Putin has moved his border protection farther from the Ukraine border to avoid looking the aggressor. And also what the news media fails to report is that Ukraine has been a puppet state controlled by those who like to keep wars going for profit. Do you remember how Hitler invaded Poland? That is called a "false flag" event and may be what we see the news media preparing here.
So, I see no reason for eBay to participate in the political shenanigans of the one-world communists. eBay was started for the benefit of small independent buyers and sellers and should continue to support individual freedom wherever in the world it may reside.
02-23-2022 02:42 AM
You've totally missed the point. Banking situations have been interrupted. Postal services will also likely be disrupted....what is ebay's policy regarding refunds? Nobody is disputing that their are lovely Russian citizens...and what does being "Christian" have to do with anything? Troll elsewhere.
02-23-2022 06:12 AM
Why does eBay have to do anything? If you don't want to do business with anyone in Russia, just go into your seller settings and remove Russia from the list of countries you ship to and then disallow bids from buyers in countries to which you don't ship.
Voila! Problem solved.