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I can't leave negative feedback???


I have buyers that never pay and never communicate.  When I go to leave feedback, all I know get are the choices of "positive" or "I'll leave feedback later".  Why can't I leave negative feedback anymore?

Message 1 of 691
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690 REPLIES 690

I can't leave negative feedback???

Heres why you cant leave bad comments for non payers.
1/ If a bad debtor cant bid then the auction remains low and minimises ebays profits.
2/ if a bad debtor cant buy ebay cant bill you and earn the interest on your money before refunding it.
For all those who dont know - ebay and paypal are both the same and that equates to taking money from whoever they can.
If you really want to get the buyer you can go the police station and fill out a form (418 i think it is) relating to internet fraud activities like "bidding with no itention to pay" or you can also take the issue up with consumer affairs.
Message 391 of 691
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I can't leave negative feedback???

The best thing that could happen to ebay will given time. Ebay will become the laughing stock when big brother comes.
Message 392 of 691
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I can't leave negative feedback???

oh man, me too! I've been on eBay since 2000!


Right now, I've got this luntic, eisandy2012, that bought a phone I sold as BROKEN, FOR PARTS, but still worked, right? Sold it to her, she used it for over a month, and broke it. Now she is demanding that I give her money and let her keep the phone!!!


She also hasn't left me feedback yet, and it gonna give me a negative, I can tell already-and I cannot give her a negative to warn other sellers that she is a scammer!!!


Also noticed, ebay email and live chat has been cancelled. Great. Selling on eBay has gotten more expensive and less satisfying than ever!

Message 393 of 691
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I can't leave negative feedback???

I really don't understand ebay's thought  process on this, sometimes there are just really bad buyers. I once had a buyer demand I refund him for an item that didn't even arrive yet, it hadn't completed delivery, I told him to refuse the package or return it as soon as possible and I would gladly give a full refund plus shipping. He didn't respond, when it arrived he opened a case against me and Ebay basically stated the same thing, once the item was returned with tracking then there would be a refund. The guy sent me back a box of trash, literal trash... empty food wrappers, bits of paper, some small rocks and packing peanuts.. but it had a tracking number so as far as ebay was concerned it was a done deal. I didn't get the item back and was out almost $200.


Another buyer I'm dealing with now didn't pay but requested that I cancel the transaction, in the interest of being amicable I explained the mutual close agreement so there wouldn't be a strike against her and I would get my fees back. So that's what we did except once I opened it she never responded, I foolishly waited til AFTER the case to check her feedback and seen that although it's 100% positive the first few pages are basically upset sellers saying she's a troublemaker, a psycho, likes to bid but doesn't like to buy, makes excuses for not paying, cancellations, etc. And the feedback she's left for others is of course negative, though I suspect the items were actually fine, it's just another case of a bad buyer. People like this should not be allowed to continue running amok on ebay, or at least should be subject to the same feedback rules.


These stories could go on... as many of you can attest to as well I'm sure.


Feebay just needs to stop, I don't understand how sellers are actually making any money anymore. To sell on here has just become way more stress than it's worth. Someone create an alternative already pleeeeease.

Message 394 of 691
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I can't leave negative feedback???

I just had a buyer leave negative feedback for me. He claims an item was missing from a tool sold. It was in there. 4 emails were sent by me through ebay to him. The only notifications I got from him through ebay was that he was going to leave negative unless I responded to him. I did, I never heard from him about what it was going to take to make him happy.


Onto I can't leave negative feedback. What is the point of feedback then? If it's not going to be accurate? How do sellers protect themselves? How are the buyers to know? I,as a seller would like to know if someone was going to waste my time and money before dealing with them. That's no longer possible. I wasn't aware of this until now. I assumed the feedback system worked both ways and was an accurate potrayal  of who/whom I was dealing with. Evidently I just got schooled.

Message 395 of 691
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I can't leave negative feedback???

Ebay is scum. I, like many other sellers, wish there was somewhere else to sell, other than those homecraft sites, and Amazon, where fee's get to be too much unless you are a wholesale volume seller.


My recent bad experience is that a buyer tried to claim a non-recipt of item, which he did, it was a digital item so I really didn't have a way to prove I sent it other than a Ebay message and Ebay generally doesn't give a darn about that. If they'd just set up a digital sending system, I'd be happy so I can keep my prices low and make a decent margin in profit. Heck it costs $3.37 via USPS to send a package with tracking and that's the online price. Anyway, I had left positive feedback first (my mistake) since it had been somewhere around 29 or 30 days (he paid 4/12 I sent 4/12 He openned case after feedback on 5/11), and then he changed his Ebay ID and put a case against me. First I looked and I didn't remember selling to the guy, then saw he had just did a simple ID change and I found the message, copy and pasted it into the case message within a few hours after he opened it, and that must of scared him that I saw through the scam and he bolted. . I wish Ebay had a better system to protect us sellers, especially when we're the ones who actually bring ebay the money (fee's and stores and whatnot). I'd start up my own company if I had the cash to do it properly and drive Ebay into the ground.

Message 396 of 691
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I can't leave negative feedback???

I had a similar thing happen!! I sold a WORKING iPhone. The user kept it for about a month, then emailed me claiming that the phone was broken. But instead of contacting me right away, he took it to some guy to fix it. Guy fixed and it broke again. Three times!! He opened a case against me and eBay made me refund him. Insanity. And I can't even leave bad feedback? Not even to those deadbeats who bid, and then refuse to pay??

Message 397 of 691
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I can't leave negative feedback???

I just had a guy purchase a vehicle and then he changed his mind. Now because I refused to cancel the transaction I ended up with negative feedback. If ebay doesn't resolve this issue, this will be my last transaction on ebay.

Message 398 of 691
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I can't leave negative feedback???

I had a guy let an item sit for weeks in customs and send me a message through ebay saying the item would likely be returned to me.  Then he received the item, sent me a message saying it didn't work and gave me two hours to respond before leaving negative feedback.  By the time I saw his message it was too late to help him or me. I had gone out of my way to make sure this customer was happy, responding to his many strange messages about delivery (and other) problems, I also found that he had been overcharged by ebay's shipping estimates and gave him a refund for the difference.  And then, after all that and after many years supporting ebay through sales and purchases, I get hit with negative feedback and no recourse to set things right.



Message 399 of 691
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I can't leave negative feedback???

I agree with all the comments of the sellers.  The feedback system is now broken and usless.  I am both a buyer and seller on eBay, and recenlty had an experience as a buyer that demanded some feedback.  I could find no way to leave any.  Positive or negative.  What's going on here?

Message 400 of 691
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I can't leave negative feedback???

I have just had my 100% rating ruined by a buyer who didn't even pay for their item and was extremely rude and aggressive towards me. I would just like to start with I don't ship abroad as in the past I have had bad experiences of items going missing. After the last time I shipped a very expensive collectable to Germany which got stolen I decided I was no longer going to post overseas. Every item I sell I have picked up by a local courier as it is easier for me to get items sent out and also a way for me to keep postage costs down for buyers. The other reason I use a local courier is that I don't live anywhere near a post office. The buyer who left me bad feedback lives in Germany. They clicked the buy it now option on an item I had for sale without asking me first if I would post it to them overseas. I sent them a very polite message explaining that I don't and can't ship abroad as I only use a courier service that doesn't offer the option to post overseas. I apologised and told them I will have to cancel the item. They became aggressive and demanded I invoice them postage costs and that I send the item. I was still very polite and sent a cancel request explaining once again that I don't live near a post office etc. They declined the cancelation request which automatically closed the case. I now get charged the final value fees for an item that did not actually sell. I decided to just take the hit and just drop it and pay the final value fees. I did not know that there was an option to block oversea buyers from bidding or buying items. This is an honest mistake and the option is really not clear when you are listing an item. The option to restrict oversea buyers also blocks buyers who haven't bought an item in 30 days. This is an option I find a little unfair to lump in with restricting oversea buyers as there are plenty of people who don't use ebay everyday who may have not bought something in the last 30 days but want to buy something. The buyer was just unwilling to resolve the problem. I hear nothing back from him for a while then all of a sudden I get negative feedback that says ' Did not want to ship to Germany but accepted my bid? and no communication anymore Bad!' This I feel is slanderous and unfair feedback. I responded to every message with honesty and understanding of his frustration and I was always apologetic. As for me accepting a bid it's not like we have to approve each bid the buyer just hit the buy it now button without asking if I shipped to their country first. At no point did I accept payment. Ebay have been unhelpful and in favour of the buyer yet again screwing us sellers. There is just no protection for us sellers. We are what make ebay there money not the buyers so I really don't understand why there isn't much protection for us sellers? There are a lot of good honest buyers on ebay willing to resolve issues in a kindly and mature manner but there are other sellers who abuse the system and ebay just let them get away with it. It's upsetting and frustrating 😞
Message 401 of 691
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I can't leave negative feedback???

That's horrible. At least now you know that you can block overseas bidders and that you should mention in your listing that you don't post overseas. But that doesn't restore your perfect feedback. People can be such jerks. 😞

Message 402 of 691
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I can't leave negative feedback???

This is freakin ridiculous! 


I have buyers who don't read the descriptions on what they are buying and they leave negative feedback to ruin my 100% rating.

This happened within a span of a month! 


Why are there no protections from ignorant buyers?

I have been doing ebay for about a year now on and off struggling to make a living and it has seriously been a dissapointing experience. Ebay is starting to act and look a lot like comcast in their customer appreciation..

All I've read review after review, complaint after complaint was just negative things about ebay for those who are just starting or trying to make a living from this. 


We need something better than ebay 

Message 403 of 691
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I can't leave negative feedback???

I have had the SAME thing happen. Buyers that are ridiculous, make things up, and get away with it. I tweeted out the name of the difficult buyer because I couldn't leave negative feedback for her but she could for me. Same for another buyer, who refused to pay for upgraded shipping and when the item came to her broken, she refused to apply for the insurance the item was covered for. Instead she spent MORE money to ship the broken item back to me and I could not get the insurance because it had to be done on her end. Then she leaves ME negative feedback because she refused to apply for the insurance and ebay refunded her the ENTIRE amount (shipping + cost of item - so Im out $36 - Id rather not sell than LOSE money!) . Whole thing ridiculous. This needs to be resolved.

Message 404 of 691
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I can't leave negative feedback???

AGREED! Have a had an abusive buyer harass me for weeks about feedback. I finally left one as I had no choice, he's going to leave a bad one anyway. 11 years ago when I started on ebay it was balanced between buyers and sellers and was a good system, now ebay places the buyers in a pigeon hole. They want to weed out the "not so perfect" smaller sellers and upcharge their fees on the bigger's all about stock holders, profits, margins, etc. Hey, have to admit, it's a great business model overall and I wish I started it. We all have the choice to use it or not. It's just how business goes. Ebay used to cater to sellers to increase their sales, now they are so big the little ones are simply not needed so the squeeze in as many angles as they can to get them off of their site....they are a reseller just like Walmart, Target and most other stores you know. It truly is the perfect example of capitalism. SO, I either choose to agree with how they do it and still make a little money or not. Everyone still has food and shelter. Those liars that ebay cares less about will have it dealt back to them at some other point in some way
Message 405 of 691
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