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Global Shipping Program probably is a scam?

I am from Thailand & I recently made a purchase of an item from ebay using the Global Shipping Program. It is a Bose speaker.


I was in doubt in the first place and sent an email to ebay support to double confirmed about the claim that I do not need to pay any custom charges as I've paid them upfront with the Global Shipping Program. I was assured that I need not to pay anything extra upon delivery.


The package reached Fedex Thailand facility on 2 October and amazingly Fedex Thailand seems mixed up the package with other package that my company used to order using Fedex service. I was told that I need to get a forwarder to clear the packageon my own which after that I got one of my colleague to speak with the customer service and got it sort out. YES! They miss-understood the package and thought it was some aircraft spare part. OH My... these Fedex dudes work like robot and don't even read the item description on the shipping slip! 


And the next nightmare came, the package was hold 'in cage' by customs of Thailand, which I believe this was caused by Fedex as they 'thought' it was aircraft spare part. Anyhow, 7 days later, as of today, after numerous calls to Fedex Thailand, which seems like having different personnel picking the calls and no one really following up on this case; today I received a slip of custom charges at THB7829.15 (about USD250). Not forgetting to mention that in Fedex tracking system, the package was noted as released from customs on 3 October and signed, received by consignee on 4 OCT!!! is this a way on how Fedex Thailand keep up their KPIs?


So the question now is, I have black and white email proof from ebay customer services assuring me that I DO NOT need to pay anything else upon delivery of my item, and yet I still get charged for this ridiculous custom charges which in the first place I will not bought the item from ebay if it wasn't the assurance given.


I have wrote to ebay again and hopefully they will revert me soonest with the so called 'solution' to this case. Till then, for those buyers outside of US who is in doubt about Global Shipping Program, especially those in Thailand, please take note, IT IS NOT WORKING AS IT IS CLAIMED by ebay. and to Fedex Thailand, you sucks.






Message 1 of 57
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Re: Global Shipping Program probably is a scam?

Global Shipping is an ENORMOUS rip off!!  Woman Frustrated  As a purchaser in Australia, it is SO expensive, that it would be stupid to purchase items from Seller using that LOCKED in method, Ebay doesn't offer the option of offering the cheapes and effective method of USPS First Class Mail Intl 

it is ridiculous and often many many many times the cost of the item.  Sellers using this are losing out BIG  TIME.  The UK with the Royal Mail, is cheap, fast and by far where I prefer to shop, if US Sellers use such expensive shipping.  


Message 2 of 57
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Re: Global Shipping Program probably is a scam?

The issue is that with the  cheapest way to mail an item is that the actual delivery cannot be verified by the seller and/or PayPal in black & white.  While most buyers (and sellers too) are honest there are some that will take advantage of this and want to get "stuff "for "free".   They will open an "item not received" case against the seller or claim it was  "damaged", the seller cannot prove it was actually delivered via tracking number aka delivery confirmation, eBay/PayPal - will refund the total purchase price to the buyer including the "cheap' shipping cost.  See eBay sellers are responsible for delivery to the address the buyer has registered with eBay/PayPal adn in the condtion as represented in the listing.  Since the only way to get a delivery confirmation outside of the our USPS system that I am aware of is via UPS & it is very expensive.  This is why : 1.)  I don't ship internationally 2.) I do not participate in the GSP  - most my items sell for $25 -50 range 3.)  I am not a charity that wishes to ship stuff free to any one - except my own family and a close friend or two.

See our USPS system does not track beyond the US states or protecterates - I would bet a six pence & a "Yankee Dime" that  the cheap Royal Mail is very similar. 


Hey, the GSP program is better than a stick in the eye & their may be sellers that do not participate in the GSP (which is strictly optional for seller). They maybe willing to sell stuff and ship the cheap way and take the full risk of a "lose & damage' claim. 

Life is great because we have so many options to choose from.

"I have the right to remain silent but I didn't have the ability." Ron White, Fritch, Texas
"Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution." A. Einstein
"The Devil made me do it!" - Flip Wilson
"If the band can only play loud - they ain't no good - peps too!" J.R. Johnson
Message 3 of 57
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Re: Global Shipping Program probably is a scam?

Hi limjiannjong.


As stated in your other thread it sounds like an issue on the FedEx side. That being said, I shared your situation with some other eBay team members. We would love to help you get to the bottom of this. 


Can you send me a Private Message with your transaction details? Any and all transaction numbers, routing numbers, addresses, etc.





Message 4 of 57
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Re: Global Shipping Program probably is a scam?






Message 5 of 57
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Re: Global Shipping Program probably is a scam?

SCAM? it's a TOTAL RIP-OFF!!!!


As a Canadian buyer with a rating of 560 and purchased and sold for years! I will stop shopping on ebay. my last 3 purchases were overly charged drastically. GSP is a RIP-OFF ! plain and simple!


eg- purchased a jacket for $34.50 seller charged $9.75 shipping- GSP charged me an additional $13.30 shipping + import charges of $15.44 for a total of $28.74 the seller never see's this but I have to pay! outrageous RIP OFF! they pocket my $$$'s


Never again will I purchase from a seller who offers GSP if ever again on ebay......

Message 6 of 57
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Re: Global Shipping Program probably is a scam?

Hawk, Just so I have a better understanding. The shipping cost to Kentucky was $9.75, shipping cost from kentucky to Canada was $13.30 plus the import charge of $15.44. 


I'm curious as to what the direct shipping cost to Canada would have been compared to the $23.05 you paid. 


Also, you would have to pay the Import charge either way correct? I'm not exactly sure how that part is calculated. 


eBay now says the GSP should only be used for items costing more than $50 so that probably means a min of $100 to make it reasonable.  Even though I use the GSP I offer direct shipping to my Canadian customers. I think the GSP is better suited to overseas buyers. Again, they don't give you all the details up front, it one of those "you have to pass the law to learn what's in it"  deals. 

You're not paranoid if people really are out to get you! 
Message 7 of 57
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Re: Global Shipping Program probably is a scam?

I always prefer USPS groung not express and $10-$15 not an issue on an item similar.

I recieved a jacket of twice the value shipped from Calif. for less then what ebay GSP charges and came thru as no duty paid? , we are exempt for anything under $50 from USA which = $0 in taxes or duty costs BUT GSP still charges for any value even $10? and above the average? what does that tell you??

I smell a monopoly money grab here, $20-$30 per intl transaction by how many a day/week? you do the math...

Message 8 of 57
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Re: Global Shipping Program probably is a scam?

I have been shoping on ebay for 15 yrs from australia and it was always good until the gsp came. im so mad at the global shipping program...i now hate sellers who use it....i HATE them!!!!


you just have to pick a postage option that requires a sig on delivery, its that simple!!!

Message 9 of 57
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Re: Global Shipping Program probably is a scam?

Ok! Here! I have a unique transaction that I want to know what will come up. I purchased and paid an item with a GSP( Global shi...Program) from USA but its in a way different. The seller sent it directly thru USPS priority mail. It menas this item will not go to KY enlarger supposed to. Based on the tracking no.,  the item is in route to canada after only two days while in GSP it will be stock at their warehouse for another week. So, to make it short. If I I received the item sooner or earlier, can  Pitney Bowse Inc. refund the money I paid to them?. If not, why? they did not do any service for both of us(seller & buyer).


On this! we will know what they really for.



For the pro(you know who u r) who will read this post. No worry! I paid not much. Combine with shipping and GSP is as almost the same to a regular USPS mail. I just want to know really what will come first.

Message 10 of 57
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Re: Global Shipping Program probably is a scam?

I never ship outside the US, problem solved. USPS tampering is fraud and taken seriously. So I ship only USPS.

Message 11 of 57
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Re: Global Shipping Program probably is a scam?

Sellers can offer direct shipping to other countries as well as the GSP option. I offer GSP worldwide plus direct ship via ups or usps to canada. Just be sure as a buyer that you are getting the service you purchased.
Message 12 of 57
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Re: Global Shipping Program probably is a scam?

Global Shipping is a real SCAM...


I normally bought photo & video items on ebay (Canon brand only), they charge "import charges" but those items don't pay any custom duty because of NAFTA and Mexico-Japan FTA. So, wheres the money?


I'll probably stop shopping at ebay USA, Ebay UK doesn't have that program.

Message 13 of 57
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Re: Global Shipping Program probably is a scam?

Not applicable

First, let's be clear upfront--Ebay would not offer any service unless it made a profit for them, pure and simple, so of course, the Global Shipping Program will add dollars to the already burgeoning Ebay till.  Does the program buy you a safer, more secure delivery?  Of course not--the original regulations governing shipments, loss, damage, counterfeit goods and so forth still work, and work very well, I might add. 


Second, check my feedback, thousands of transactions, no negatives--been there, done that--not a newbie, not a whiner, not a flame thrower.  I buy and sell things all the time, almost daily.  And, when I have an option of buying the same item, one from a seller with GSP, and the other without, which would I choose?  The one without, of course!!  In EVERY case, you will pay more if your use GSP, and really have no more protection that without it. 


Third, I routinely buy used items in the $100 to $500 range (bike parts, watches, camera equipment, etc.), and I live in Japan, thus, the GSP computes a customs fee for these transactions at about 11%.  However, Japan customs in fact virtually NEVER assess fees for directly sent used items in this price range, and if they did, the maximum they would assess is 4%.  So, I pay between 5 and 10% more for an item shipped via the GSP system, and due to the central routing, the item will ALWAYS arrive more slowly, will have been handled by more hands, and will have not been any further protected than the original methods employed by Paypal and Ebay to ensure smooth transactions.


My question is, why would anybody want to have an item shipped to them using GSP?  Just to spend money?  It makes no sense to me.  

Message 14 of 57
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Re: Global Shipping Program probably is a scam?

I was recently made aware of being opted into this GSP without my knowledge by a buyer from Canada who bought one of my items. They emailed me saying they did want the item, but did not want to pay for the GSP $26.00 shipping plus $59.00 customs charges placed on my item that I was totally unaware of because ebay keeps this information from it's sellers. After looking into this situation and calling ebay. I found out that I had to go to the extent of ending the item and relisting the item after opting out of GSP that ebay opted me into without my consent or knowledge. When ebay opts you into this GSP, they actually block you from offering any other type of shipping. Instead they tell you that you have to go through the pain staking detail of ending the item. Then calling them back to make sure you get final value fee credits associated with the GSP type sale. I offer USPS priority shipping which internationally will work in most cases. The problem seems to be that tracking after outside of the country can no longer be tracked which I believe is completely redictulous. Ebay claims that ,If you send the item through GSP, they will say on the phone to you "it is no longer your problem" because they track it from buyer to seller door to door. How can they do this, when apparently no one else can? I am waiting to hear back from my buyer to see how much his customs charges actually were. So far the difference just in shipping alone was EBAY GSP shipping price $26.00. USPS Priority actual cost $19.50 which is what I charged my customer. This is very disturbing to me to see such greed by a company who already gets 10% of my sales. I think ebay has finally figured out a way to screw both buyers and sellers and make them start out by hating each other for high shipping costs. I for one refuse to allow these types of ripoff tactics to be a part of my selling practices on ebay. Unfortunately I am going to have to end selling internationally all together because of this GREED ebay has choosen to take part in. This will only hurt them in the amount of 10 % sales they receive from me. I hope that ends up hurting thier bottom line in the end as I am sure many others are also opting out of internationally selling after this GSP being forced down throats without their knowledge. I really hope no one else has had to go through this crazy senario. But I am sure they have, and ebays phones are again ringing off the hook because of their forced GREED and lack of understanding good business practices. I will follow up this message with the difference in what my customer from Canada had to pay customs and show that difference as well just to show how much ebay is skimming off of that. Which in my opinion should be illegal.

Message 15 of 57
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