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Sykes, I am not angry, I am very very angry, why do I have to flip the news daily to school shootings? How did an expelled student enter a school, even at workplaces a worker who has been fired is never let back in right at the gate. We have to admit that schools have become dangerous grounds, I would like my kids to mingle in school freely but that’s not possible, we need airtight security at schools, the kind where they even take off their shoes and an arm or two even a leg or head to be slid under the X-ray. I know DACA matters right now but our children matter more. This needs to take top priority in Congress and a budget needs to be put aside for security measures in our schools!!!! I am tired of sending thoughts and prayers every 5 seconds

Message 1 of 43
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Somehow we have to learn how to recognize and deal with the anger these people feel.............if it's not a school, it will be somewhere else. 

Message 16 of 43
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I had to shake my head and the money our school district wasted the other day.  I went to the detention school that also holds the special education dept.   there was metal detectors at the door.  I went though with keys and purse and of course the alarm went off.  Looked around not a soul in site.   Kept walking and went on my way. So what good did that expense do when there is no one watching it....

“Birth certificates show that you were born. Death certificates show that you died. Photographs show that you have lived.” -Unknown
Message 17 of 43
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Somehow we have to learn how to recognize and deal with the anger these people feel.............if it's not a school, it will be somewhere else. 

It starts with how they're raised. Children are being raised with no discipline and no respect for others. They're being raised to think that they're oh so special, that they should always get what they want, that they should always be the center of attention. Parents are totally failing. They are babying and spoiling their children to the point that they cannot cope with real life.  They are giving them anything and everything they want, even when it can't be afforded.  They demand participation trophies so their precious kinder's feelings don't get hurt.  They're raised to react in the wrong way to people who have differing opinions, like their opinion is the only one that matters. That's ridiculous.


All my children are special to me, they are my world, but in real life they are no more special than anyone else's children. Mine were taught early on that no, they are not special in this world even though they are special to me, no they cannot always get what they want, no life is not fair and yes if you want something YOU have to WORK for it.


It's fine ( and dare I say normal) to want your children to have everything. It's not fine to teach that child that THEY are SPECIAL to the point of disregarding the rest of the world.  These children that are raised this way cannot cope in the real world when they have to deal with other people. That's where the anger comes in to play.


No respect for others, and that falls squarely on the parents for raising their children to be spoiled brats.  Yes, there are exceptions, but they aren't the rule.  If you look back at the histories of people that do this, I would be willing to bet they were either A. abused or negelected at home or B. coddled to the point of ridiculousness.



The easier you are to offend the easier you are to control.

We seem to be getting closer and closer to a situation where nobody is responsible for what they did but we are all responsible for what somebody else did. - Thomas Sowell
Message 18 of 43
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How about better (more) funding for mental health in schools?  This kid was even "expected" to do something like this a year(s) before it happened according to many classmates.

Why wasn't this kid in counseling?

Eeryone knew this kid had problems, was he just ignored?

Kids like this show signs long before stuff like this happends...and many kids he went to school with, knew he was violent. We are so focused on the bullying at schools, that kids  with mental health issues are just moved along or expelled, because schools don't have the funding to help...


Identify, and help them long before anything like this can happen with your own kids, bet they can tell you who the most violent kids are in their schools....and the schools know which ones they are...we need better mental health programs in the schools, all schools, all grades...jmho

Message 19 of 43
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He wasn't ignored, he was expelled.

The school's way of washing their hands and saying "not my problem".

That worked out well and now people are dead that shouldn't be.

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 20 of 43
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Why wasn't this kid in counseling?




Message 21 of 43
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Why wasn't this kid in counseling?




One news report I saw last night said that he had been going to counseling but stopped going about a year ago. Then his mother died and he moved in with friends.


This will not stop until we, as human beings, stop pointing fingers and whispering behind backs at people go into mental health counseling. I used to work in a mental health clinic and we had families who would drop their family member off 2 blocks up the street and make them walk to the clinic because they didn't want anyone who might pass by seeing their car in our parking lot. That is just wrong!

Message 22 of 43
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From the nonstop coverage I watched last night:


The kid got back in the school by setting the fire alarm and then mingled with other students to return to the building (after the code red alert had been sounded).  Supposedly he was in some type of mental health treatment (whether he attended or not, we'll know later).


His (adoptive) father died 13-14 years ago and his (adoptive) mother died in November.  Since he was over the age of 18, he was on his own.  He did have a job at a Dollar Store or something like that.


The most revealing "oops" statements came from interviews with other students who haven't learned to talk but say nothing.  One said the shooter was bullied in middle school; one said he was expelled from the high school for firearms.


He posted lots of social media stuff and I have to admit I don't know how it works.  If you don't have any friends, who sees your facebook posts?  Random "I want to shoot someone" videos on youtube - who sees those ? since there are zillions of them.  And aren't they all posted under pseudonyms?


I am not defending this kid; not in any way.  I am saying that he carefully thought this out and nothing could have been done to prevent it.     I flew in and out of Reagan (National) airport last week; anyone could have stood in the ticketing area and fired willy nilly into the concourses below.  You aren't checked for weapons before entering the building.


Learned something last night; you have to be 21 in this country to buy a handgun but only 18 to buy an assault rifle.  Oh ah hah, therein lies the answer.  Sales of assault rifles.  This kid passed the background check in 20 minutes and bought one legally. 


I could go on but one of the most upsetting facts I heard was that 150,000 children have been directly exposed to this type of situation.  All schools now practice lock down and shooter drills.  I remember being terrified of thunderstorms for years after all of those tornado drills and it took me decades to get over thinking about nuclear war after all of those air raid drills in school.  But I never, ever had to go to school and worry about someone bursting into my classroom and killing me and all of my friends.


=^.^= =^.^=
( ) ( )
" " =^.^= " "
Message 23 of 43
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He should have been, when classmates first thought he was most likely to be the one to shoot up the school. And so, I believe he "was still a kid" when this was started.  He may be 19 now, but I'm talking about recognizing and acting for these people, while they are still kids.  And I'll bet the his recognition (signs) go even furthur back in his life than that...past problems in school, etc...


Identify, and treat. All the metal detectors & security guards in the world are not going to stop this, it stops when the under lying mental condition is detected and treated.


Not everyone thinks the same way...Think Mental Health.


More funding for mental health in the schools. Or maybe a Health class, every child takes, that  helps them "all" in dealing with life's issues/stresses.  How many will go undected?  We need to help our children understand this life a little better, it's application and rules. Sometimes just saying "no" once is not enough to implant proper thoughts. Its not the same as it was in the 50;s, 60;s. 70's anymore. There's a lot more people, and issues...and  life for our  children is way different.


Life can be very confusing and challenging, there's so much in your are our children coping?


We are all angry about this, but could we have stopped this one?

Message 24 of 43
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Mental Health at all ages...doesn't matter.  Many people with mental issues walking around out there...and most untreated.

Message 25 of 43
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He should have been, when classmates first thought he was most likely to be the one to shoot up the school. And so, I believe he "was still a kid" when this was started.  He may be 19 now, but I'm talking about recognizing and acting for these people, while they are still kids.  And I'll bet the his recognition (signs) go even furthur back in his life than that...past problems in school, etc...


Identify, and treat. All the metal detectors & security guards in the world are not going to stop this, it stops when the under lying mental condition is detected and treated.


Not everyone thinks the same way...Think Mental Health.


More funding for mental health in the schools. Or maybe a Health class, every child takes, that  helps them "all" in dealing with life's issues/stresses.  How many will go undected?  We need to help our children understand this life a little better, it's application and rules. Sometimes just saying "no" once is not enough to implant proper thoughts. Its not the same as it was in the 50;s, 60;s. 70's anymore. There's a lot more people, and issues...and  life for our  children is way different.


Life can be very confusing and challenging, there's so much in your are our children coping?


We are all angry about this, but could we have stopped this one?

Teachers don't, or can't, report such behaviours because they aren't allowed to do anything that might be "offensive' to parents.


How dare you suggest there may be something wrong with my precious kinder!


That needs to STOP.

The easier you are to offend the easier you are to control.

We seem to be getting closer and closer to a situation where nobody is responsible for what they did but we are all responsible for what somebody else did. - Thomas Sowell
Message 26 of 43
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I got it! This PC thing...but when does that get overruled, and we help ourselves, and our children?  So many issues facing us, but hey, lets get some more metal detectors and security guards...yeah, that will fix it...(NOT!)


So how do we make the world a better and a safer place?  We treat mental health early.


Until then...

Message 27 of 43
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You can only help those, that want help, or are made a parent, you follow up and make sure your child attends counseling.


And as a parent, you  sometimes attend counseling with them, for added support...


You, as a parent, know your child, or should.


But, I realize there are some parents, that really shouldn't be parents...



Message 28 of 43
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You can only help those, that want help, or are made a parent, you follow up and make sure your child attends counseling.


And as a parent, you  sometimes attend counseling with them, for added support...


You, as a parent, know your child, or should.


But, I realize there are some parents, that really shouldn't be parents...



Here in North Carolina we had the "Willie M" Program. I used to work in one of their group homes. Reading those intake forms on those boys gave a clear picture that parents were not doing a good job teaching these children how to be a good child and a good adult. The group home I worked in had good success turning lives around but unfortunately there was no follow-up after these boys reached age 18 and aged out of the program which I always felt was a huge flaw in this program. When I worked at this group home in this small rural NC community where I live people would always ask me "Aren't you afraid to work there? Aren't you afraid of those boys?". I would always tell them ... "No, I'm not afraid of our boys ... I'm afraid of those boys sitting up there in the Roses parking lot on the hoods of their cars at all hours of the night." Everyone who worked in our group home (I was the secretary) had to learn how to put someone in a therapeutic hold so that tells you what we were dealing with. So I've worked at Social Services, at a group home for Willie M and then in a mental health clinic so I've see all sides of this. There should be no stigma attached to seeking mental health help but I don't know how we as a society go about changing that.

Message 29 of 43
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One thought I take away from this. Well, Two thoughts.

All those parents waiting at the Marriott to pick up their kid(s)
Watching the crown get thinner. Waiting.

No matter how much you barricade the doors. No matter how many cops are roaming the halls. No matter how many "Shooter" drills you have. A Killer will find a way to kill.
Message 30 of 43
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