05-19-2016 02:07 PM
*** eBay Users’ Stamp Club ***
Please join us on this thread for our monthly meeting on “Overlap with Other Hobbies” from any time Friday May 20 till midnight PDT on Sunday May 22.
Overlap with Other Hobbies
A side topic will be the APS elections.
eUSC is an APS chapter, so members get to vote even if they are not APS members.
Deadline to send votes to our APS rep, paperhistory (Matt Liebson) is May 23rd.
He will have more to say about it, so stay tuned.
See you there!
Sheryll and Anne
eUSC 2014-15 Co-Presidents sheryll*net (Sheryll in OR) and abt1950 (Anne in NJ)
05-20-2016 09:19 AM
I also have a coin collection, a currency collection, some specific areas of postcards, stock certificates, and fountain pens. These change in their order of priority over time.
I have found myself with some fountain pen advertising covers, but otherwise there hasn't been a tremendous overlap in these areas. There are clear parallels between stamps/postal history and currency and stock certificates (they're all security paper, after all), and of course revenue stamps used on financial instruments, adhesive stamps sometimes used to validate or revalue bank notes, etc.....
I do have an "interdisciplinary" collection of memorabilia from the 1936-37 Great Lakes Exposition in Cleveland, which readily encompasses the little postal material that is available, cachets, ephemera, postcards, just about anything else I think I can stuff into an exhibit frame (elongated pennies, medals, souvenirs, even a walking cane). We'll see if I ever get enough of that together to do something interesting with it.
05-20-2016 10:26 AM
A few years ago I started collecting 'things' that actually show the date I was born: 10 January 1959. It's a rather small collection, but I accumulated some really nice objects. A program of the New York Philharmonic, magazines, and since the date was a Saturday it happenend to be the day of the 3rd round soccer matches in the English FA Cup so I have quite a few programs.
Of course I also have some covers that were cancelled on 10 January 1959.
05-21-2016 10:17 PM
Well, I was a stamp (and coin) collector long before I got into other hobbies, but I put the stamp collection away when I was in college and started accumulating motorcycles instead. I found after a few years in the industry that I really didn't like the lifestyle (visualize working in the summer, collecting unemployment in the winter, and never having enough to cover both food and housing) so I sold most of the motorcycles (I kept no more than a half dozen or so) and got into electronics and computers. It wasn't until I'd been in the technical side of the world for several years that I picked up stamp collecting again. My big topical collection is my Henderson Motorcycle Advertising Covers from the Portuguese Colonies and consists of one item. I figure if I live long enough I'll be able to maybe double the size of the collection, but I'm not holding my breath. 🙂
I currently have: 1960 Honda CSA76, 1962 Honda CA95, 1965 Honda S90, 1965 Honda S600C, 1966 Honda CB160, 1968 Honda P50, 1982 Honda VF750S and 1983 Honda HR17. One of those is a car, one a lawnmower. 🙂
05-22-2016 12:52 AM
Where postcards and stamps meet...
05-22-2016 07:57 AM
I did judo for 20 years, so a couple years back, after receiving a bunch of stamps I ordered in an envelope with a judo stamp on it, it dawned on me that it'd be a great collection to build. And it is! Here's the world's first judo stamp - 1953 Japan. Judo was not so much a hobby as an all-consuming quest for athletic glory (4 national bronze medals). Life is a bit more peaceful now. 🙂
05-23-2016 08:49 PM
Thanks to those who posted.
Maarten - I like your collecting your birthdate. I have this year started saving scans of my month and day, but in all the time I have looked actively (more than 15 years), I have never seen it with the correct year. As I was an Olympic baby, perhaps all of Oz was glued to the new television gadget and didn't write any letters!
I will close the meeting now. Next meeting will be 17-19 June and the topic will be Odd Odds and Sods and Quirky Philatelia.
P.S. another postcard crossover