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Who the heck cares?

Hi park posters. 
The eBay soapbox will no longer be a public board. I hope you don’t mind if we start a home thread from the box here. We will talk about “whatever”.  We will also talk about ebay related subjects. Come join the fun. 


I am not what you think I am. You are what you think I am.
Message 1 of 1,549
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Re: Who the heck cares?

Yep, the oak computer desk is in good condition.  Some of the stuff Heron stored in the computer desk is still in the same place it was in 2001.

All sorts of 'office' stuff in the computer desk.  This is one a those projects that we say;  we need to clean out some of this stuff.  But alas!  That never seems to happen.  Someday perhaps?  

Message 946 of 1,549
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Re: Who the heck cares?

Heron should have put this in his last post, but Heron was working the chatboard 'backwards', similar to portions of his educational years.

That is interesting about ordering the 'live chickens'!  Heron did not know that.  The only type of things we ordered were chicken 'chicks' and once when we lived in the Great San Joaquin Valley, Mrs Heron ordered some California quail from a seller in the state of Utah (cannot buy mail quail in Calif).  These California quail were ordered to let loose on our almost 2 acre piece of land.  All sorts of places for quail to hide.  However, the crows hunted all the quail down one by one until only the male quail was still ok.

Never did find out if the male quail survived. Heron hopes he did.

(The quail ordered by mail consisted of adult male and female and several juveniles).  Some things about 'nature' have to be lernt 1st hand


Message 947 of 1,549
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Re: Who the heck cares?

I think I've had enough "nature" for a few days.

I was out at 8a.m. Sunday morning, planting the pumpkins......had to do a bit more "prep" before the actual planting. Finished around 9:30 & just in time, because it started raining pretty steady by 10:30.....then off & on for the rest of the day.

Today.....the temp is in the mid 60s, rainy/drizzly & strong winds out of the northeast.

I think everything will be watered for at least the next couple of days.


The Notorious C.A.T. was outside & was soaked when he finally came up to the house......& now that he's dry he seems "extra fluffy"😁 Must be like washing your hair with rainwater.


I have a "6 pack" of white flowering marigolds to plant in some of the bald spots in the garden.....have never seen them for sale as plants before. They get to be about 18" tall, thought they might make interesting cut flowers for the house (the seed is not cheap, last year I spent $4.95 for a seed pack that had maybe 20 seeds......& they didn't grow worth a hoot). I may let some of the later flowers "go to seed" & collect it to try again next year.

Message 948 of 1,549
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Re: Who the heck cares?

sometimes, all i can do is take deep breath and move on. 

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 949 of 1,549
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Re: Who the heck cares?

Regarding seed packs: Back in the 1940s there were people advertising all sorts of things in the magazines of that era.  There were magazines for boys and magazines for girls and of course magazines for adults.  One title Heron can remember is 'Boys Life'.   There was a company that advertised Giant Sunflower seeds.  Heron cannot remember exactly but believes it could have been 2 seeds for 10 Cents.  Via U.S. Mail.  So, Heron, always curious, mailed in 10 Cents and about 3 weeks later received a pack of two seeds.  Planted both in the area behind the garage (detached garage).  One seed did not grow. However, the 2nd plant did grow and it was about 10 feet high.  And the flower was very large with many seeds.  The seeds turned out to be no good because they were some sort of 'hybrid'.   (This was in a time when 10 Cents was the same as a Dollar in the 2020s. First class postage was 3 Cents per oz until the mid 1950s).  

Message 950 of 1,549
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Re: Who the heck cares?

That's always a risk with seeds, but in the case with those 2 seeds you sincerly got robbed. My feeling towards it anyway.


I may take some pictures today of some things I planted from seed.


The windows are all fogged up, wet. Ac is doing overtime.


The 'feels like' temperature was 81 at 6:15 this morning. The actual temp. Was 78.


Don't know what it is going to get up to.


Just drink water and stay in during the hottest part is all I know to do.


Have a good one!



Message 951 of 1,549
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Re: Who the heck cares?

Fruit, I"m sure C.A.T. got a nice washing with all the rain! HAHA I gotta google the white flowering marigolds! I've never seen them in white before! hopefully if they go to seed you can save them for next year!


(((Shirls))) sometimes that is all you can do. Hope everything is going ok with you!


Cathy, I worry about the Plumber on days like today (and your weather as well) he's not a big water drinker, but I can usually bug him enough he'll drink a Gatorade!


Sunny and going to be a high of 87°F with a 'real feel' of 92°F Thankfully I'm driving the wrangler and she's topless (as she should be!)

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 952 of 1,549
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Re: Who the heck cares?

Hola Cathy; well yes, receiving 2 seeds and having one successful does appear to be somewhat of a scam.  However, that is how sellers made profits back in the mid 1940s.  Heron, being a baseball guy, figured 1 outta 2 isnt too bad a batting average (.500). 


The current weather here at the Coast:  Since daybreak we have seen a lot of light gray and some white Cumulus clouds at mid altitude level. Heron would not call this a 'marine layer' because of the higher altitude of the Cumulus clouds.

The situation now is: Sun is trying to break through cloud cover so we have 'hazy sunshine' plus some clouds.  Clouds probably will burn off soon and we will have a sunny day!  At daybreak local temp was 59 Fahrenhotz. Now temp is about 60 Fahrenholtz.  Inside el Condo- very comfortable.


Message 953 of 1,549
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Re: Who the heck cares?

Those temps sound nice, Heron. I don't know when we'll get back to morning temps in the 50's. Probably October.


Heat index yesterday was 104, but the actual temperature was maybe 93. Humidity.


The air feels thick sometimes. 


Some states are getting cooked, though. There are places already having their actual temps at over 100.


Looks like where you are at now is the place to be for pleasant times outdoors.


Fredi, that is a rough job. Nasty and hot too. And dangerous at times. You never know what you may come up on or be exposed to going around under a house.


You're right to be concerned that he stays hydrated. With this heat it's easy to get overcome before you know it.


I can't believe this is the last week of June. 


Don't know what we'll do for the 4th.


May go to Sis's house.


Well, got to get up and get moving. Prayer Meeting is tonight. Had to call it off last Wed. because of severe thunderstorm warnings.


Have a good one!




Message 954 of 1,549
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Re: Who the heck cares?

Fredi, the plants were a variety called "Vanilla" (how original🙄)......they are not a "snow white", more like a "buttermilk" color, white with a yellowish cast. The seeds that didn't work were Burpee (Burpee Seeds Grow, my....foot😒; it seems that a lot of the "failures" I've had with seeds over the years has been with the more expensive Burpee ones).


Remember when the evil SIL pulled out those beautiful geraniums from the cemetery & threw them in some strangers urns last year? I kept them in the basement over the winter, repotted them & set them out......they are getting ready to bloom (thank you, Miracle Gro Flower Booster). 3 of them in 8-10 inch pots, one in the planter that is actually a homemade "parts washer" container (sealed inside with 3 coats "Flex Seal", 4 coats Metallic Copper Rust-Oleum spray paint on the outside). I also have a 3ft. tall metal crane (the bird, not the construction equipment) from my time working for Target....the black finish was all worn out from years outside, so he got a couple of coats of "metallic gold" spray paint & is looking pretty good.

......which means he will probably get "nicked" by some drunken idiot this summer.


I have been hiding out in the house because of the Canadian smoke's like having a campfire burning outside the house....& I've had the worse craving for bacon for the last 3-4 days. So, it's finally "Martha Stewart time".....& mending a few items of clothing.

........ever notice that the jeans that are falling apart are usually the most comfortable?🤔 

Message 955 of 1,549
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Re: Who the heck cares?

I totally forgot to google those marigolds, but I'm gonna go do it right now! HAHA Oh those are pretty! I bet they are show stoppers! Geraniums are such hardy plants! If I get my mom one for mother's day I usually take it from her in the fall and sometimes return it in the spring, if it survived the winter, lol. I haven't gotten her a geranium for several years. I should have gotten her one this year!


Yes, my favorite jeans look like a homeless persons, tho they didn't look like that when I started wearing them! HAHA I have a couple that need hemmed, but I'm too lazy to do it!


We have the wildfire smoke here as well, it's awful. Told my friend yesterday it's like being at camp and trying to get away from the camp fire smoke, but you can't!


The Plumber had me order a 10 gallon wall mountable water heater for the garage since the one out there cr@pped out on us. Guess what? Website is a scam, so I'm off to the bank this am to reverse the charge and cancel my debit card. Sigh. Such fun!

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 956 of 1,549
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Re: Who the heck cares?

Very interesting post!  Miracle Grow (great products).  Re the bird statue;

a few years ago Mrs Heron purchased a 3 foot tall brass heron bird. This was for el Heron's birthday.  It has been in the atrium (survived the racoon attack) and is a nice blue/gray color.  Heron thought about maybe cleaning it but it looks good as is.  Cleaning it might ruin the bird.  

Message 957 of 1,549
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Re: Who the heck cares?

Hola Cathy; yes, our temps have been more 'spring-like' than summer temps.  If we are lucky we might see this spring-like weather continue into 1st or 2nd week of July.  We will most likely receive some heat soon.

Heron remembers those summers in Florida.  Sometimes the humidity was very high and the temps were in the 90s.  Heron had a nice large Plymouth company car and it had a great air conditioner.  Many of the places Heron 'visited' on business did not have a/c. 


Heron volunteered to troubleshoot a 5 HP motor in Deerfield Beach.  Heron made the appt and drove to the place.  It was a 'club' of and there was a large swimpool and many tennis courts.  Right near the ocean.  Heron then was told where the motor was located.  In a big hole in the ground where the filter system was located (A pump with 5 HP motor attached).  Heron was there for 2 hours checking the voltages (this was a 3 phase motor and Heron had to check all 3 lines to the motor.  Heron climbed down into that hot hole in the ground and checked the incoming voltages every 15 minutes.  Heron discovered that one of the incoming lines was way below what it should have been.  Heron made a chart for the club manager, signed it and advised the club manager to contact the power supply company and complain about the unbalanced incoming power supply.

He did, and the power company did correct the situation.  It was their own transformer causing the problem.  Heron did this for free at the request of the pump supplier that purchased a lot of our motors.  Making friends always counts!)

Anyhow, after locating the problem, Heron was soaking wet from perspiration.  In summertime Florida, Heron always had 3 or 4 sets of clothing in the auto.  After completing the troubleshooting episode, Heron drove directly to the motel, showered, changed into fresh clothes and continued on with visits to several customers or prospective customers.  This is how to survive the clothing situation in really muggy miserable hot conditions.

Note: During Heron's 4 years TAD in Florida we paid NO state income taxes.  However, this was partly offset by dry-cleaning expenses !!!

All part of the 'job'. 


Message 958 of 1,549
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Re: Who the heck cares?

Heron, the Plumber is a sweater, he sweats like crazy (always has, just one of 'those' people) and so he'll come home on a day like today (high of 92° with a real feel of 111°) completely soaked through. I feel bad for him and I remind him constantly to drink water and Gatorade!


Supposed to be getting some rain this afternoon, I'll believe it when I see it!

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 959 of 1,549
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Re: Who the heck cares?

I put some miracle grow shake n feed in part of the garden yesterday. I'll put it around the rest today and then water.


Starti g to get beans.


Figs are ready. Been getting a handful when I get the mail.


No point in picking a pan full.  I'm the only one that eats them.


Heron, that's the way it is. Hot and muggy.


It's pretty but muggy there and mosquitos...


Husband said it's bad in Miss. too.


Fruit, I can only imagine what might've happened if you came up on her pulling out those flowers.


Reckon she has Joan Crawford syndrome?



Message 960 of 1,549
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