04-20-2018 05:47 PM
C'mon kids, it will be like deja vu all over again.
Okay Argon, bring on the ransom note. I'll take the $110 to make Maxine happy, and Sonoma can tell us why he/she/it did a name change.
05-31-2018 06:25 PM
05-31-2018 08:05 PM
Doesn't matter what your name is......if you are caught in a tempest with a teapot flying around in it, you just could get clobbered.
06-03-2018 06:48 PM
06-07-2018 06:11 PM
ohhhh well now, that is a whole different story........
06-12-2018 06:19 PM
06-14-2018 05:40 PM
oh yeah, definitely, although have never tried booze in tea. Works in coffee.
06-14-2018 07:01 PM
06-18-2018 02:03 PM
I took the ransom note from Argon and hid it under the tree at the Canadian park! Sinoma changed her name because I told her to, ( of course ). So, I am going to take a walk by the oak trees and try to not get git with flying teapots because of the tempest outside.
My OP never comes back to me. I am always chasing after it with my hands in the air and my feet dragging. So anyways, try to get your name to be different every day and if not, just drag it around with you.
I have no clue what is going on here...I'm just 'blending in' with everyone else here. 😄
06-20-2018 06:34 PM
06-24-2018 02:22 PM
you may have to stop dragging your heart around and have some juiced up tea (or coffee). coffee may be the wise choice since the tempest could still be in the tea pot.
06-25-2018 06:13 PM
Although I don't care for tea, I'm tempted by the tempest. So I will through caution to the wind and try the spiked tea. My only question is should I take one lump or two with my tempestuous tea?
06-26-2018 05:58 PM
06-30-2018 07:21 AM
The tea is too hot if you bring the spikes with you. They poke holes in the teapot and then the tempest sweeps it away and dumps all of the hot tea into the ocean.
07-01-2018 05:58 PM - edited 07-01-2018 05:59 PM
no spikes or lumps for me thanks. Just a pot of tea would be fine.
07-02-2018 06:48 PM
It's best cold.