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The Daily Grind (Paradise Lost)

Yep, Monday is cleaning day, in spite of all the changes over the past year or so, some things remain the same.  That is why it becomes The Daily Grind, which just may be a comfort in it's own way.  



Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
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Re: The Daily Grind (Paradise Lost)


Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 46 of 224
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Re: The Daily Grind (Paradise Lost)

Been a busy week so far.  No time to hang out on the couch in my jammies eating bon bons. 


Tomorrow is St. Pat's day:


Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 47 of 224
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Re: The Daily Grind (Paradise Lost)

There's Stinky!  I was looking for him in the other pictures!  Your girls are so gorgeous and stylish, they look like they are going fun places.


Came in last night to catch up and got sidetracked.  Seems to happen a lot lately.


You're right it's been a busy few days.  I've been putting in a lot of time at work - seems like it is feast or famine.  Can't complain though, I have a job with a good boss and he lets me take Stella to the office.


I will have to ask for the oignon verts next time!  Somehow  I don't think the local store produce guy will get it.  But he always does cut the jicima in half for me to see if it's still good.  I've never figured out how to tell without cutting it open.


So the other day I sprinkled pet deodorizer on the carpet in the living room, vacuumed it all up and went about my business.  Come back into the living room a bit later and Stella and Q are licking the carpet.  I told them to stop that, went and did some yard work, came back in and they are again licking the carpet. Finally get them to stop and go about doing more stuff.  Starting at 1 a.m. they both begin barfing all over the place.  At least Stella asked to go outside to do it.  So I got to clean up cat barf on the carpet since I can't convince Q he needs to do that somewhere other than my carpet.  My animals are morons.


I like snow that comes, looks pretty and then melts.  When we have days and days of it I get tired of it.  Not that we usually get much snow.


I think my purple roses have died.  I cleaned out all the viney stuff from them again and we'll see.  They may just be dead.


So now you are all caught up on my exciting life.  I can't believe it's already been four months.  I'm dealing, sometimes well, sometimes not so well.  Nothing to do but keep going forward.



“and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks.” ― Douglas Adams, Life, the Universe and Everything
Message 48 of 224
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Re: The Daily Grind (Paradise Lost)

Never heard of jicama before until now.  The taste description reminds me a little of Asian Pear.   I usually get groceries at the commissary, but will have to check other stores and see if they have it.  Since product of Mexico, maybe stays more west coast?  Then again, we do get a lot of other produce from there.


So what in the world is the ingredient in the pet deodorizer that made both Q and Stella lick it up from the carpet?  That's weird and then it made them both barf.   Did you check out the label?  Interesting.   I tried google, but it seems every body's dogs like licking up carpet stuff.  I have never seen any of our dogs or cats lick it up. 


Been 3 months since Myah.  Still have hard time because of what happened.   Try not to think about it since in isn't productive thoughts.  Like:  Had she not been given a drug  for 'extra label' use, she would still be alive. 


Sidetracked.  Yep, have a hard time staying focused.  And then I wonder how come it is taking me longer to do things.  Maybe it's covid brain fog or maybe life is just a bit out of whack because something is missing. 



Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
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Re: The Daily Grind (Paradise Lost)

I think they liked the baking soda in it - salty, you know?  I have thrown the stuff away.  Or maybe they are the most moronic animals that ever lived.  They do like to get into trouble together!  Q will knock the box of treats off the shelf so he and Stella can have a few.  They are quite the team.


I like jicama in salads or just by itself.  Or I will roast it with a little cinnamon sugar for a treat.  It's pretty awesome!  Doesn't make up for the price of avocados, of course.  I refuse to pay $2 for a medium avocado.  I do miss them though.


We're supposed to get up into the 60s tomorrow.  Hooray!  And a break from the rain.  Of course, that won't last.  But Spring is showing up.  The cherry trees are all blossoming and it looks so pretty.


Been sorting through paperwork.  Yikes what a job!  Where did it all come from?


I hear you on everything taking longer.  Sometimes I just have to stop and take a deep breath and remind myself that everything is okay.  But it's still hard.


Have a busy week (aren't they all?).  But I hear the grimrucks are planning a season change raid.  Wanna go crash the party?  I have a new broom!









“and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks.” ― Douglas Adams, Life, the Universe and Everything
Message 50 of 224
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Re: The Daily Grind (Paradise Lost)


“and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks.” ― Douglas Adams, Life, the Universe and Everything
Message 51 of 224
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Re: The Daily Grind (Paradise Lost)

Back to rain everyday for the next few days.  At least it's not super cold.


Took Stella to play with a couple of other dogs, used a seldom used fully fenced tennis court for the visit and boy did they all have fun!  Once she realized I was still going to be there she ran around like a crazy dog with the others.  I think she is becoming less clingy and more social, which is a good thing. 


I'm pretty sure the purple rose is dead but we'll see.  It got a bunch of viney stuff wrapped around it (Oregon grape I think) and it kind of choked it.  I've thought that thing was dead before and it came back.


I found a chocolate dessert made out of avocados that is very much like chocolate ice cream.  Someone gave me a pint and it was really rich and creamy.


I am patiently waiting for baseball opening day.  Just glad we get it this year.  Was bummed I didn't get to go to Spring training this year.


And I've almost got things rearranged in my home office so I can actually use the space and get my work computer off the dining room table!  Yeah me!


I did give The Queen a bath.  She was not amused but she feels better.  She seriously kind of looked like this.



“and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks.” ― Douglas Adams, Life, the Universe and Everything
Message 52 of 224
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Re: The Daily Grind (Paradise Lost)

Thanks for keeping the light on around here, Rootie.  Had jury duty since the 18th of March.   First week sat around waiting for something to happen.  Last week was A and half of deliberation.   So tiring, frustrating, stressful, emotional.  Ended up with Colitis, plantar fasciitis, and a painful hip.  Stress gets me in so many ways.   I'm so behind in my other work and I'm just plain tired.


As far as deliberation went?  This should say it all:



Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 53 of 224
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Re: The Daily Grind (Paradise Lost)

wildviolt.jpgdafodil.jpgdaffodil .jpgredbud.jpg

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 54 of 224
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Re: The Daily Grind (Paradise Lost)

Hi Shirley,

I hope you're doing well. I haven't been to "the Park" in probably a couple of years, but now that I came by to play a few games like "opposites" and "word association", I can't find them anywhere! Did the Park vanish since the last time I visited? I've looked everywhere and can NOT find a trace of it...I figured I must be doing something wrong, or it's plain 'gone'. I hope you can help me figure this out. You always had such sweet words waiting for me, anytime I came by to play...I DO so appreciate that! It warmed my heart. I suppose I'll be back in a few days to check for a reply here. IF I can even find my way back to you! I had a terrible time navigating this new Community. (((hugs)))  ♥ Pearl (texas*pearl)

Message 55 of 224
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Re: The Daily Grind (Paradise Lost)

Bless you for doing jury duty Shirls!  So many people won't.  When I lived in a very small town if they didn't have enough jurors the sheriff would go to the post office at lunch time and just grab people.  Small towns can be fun.


I love your flowers!  Nothing is really blooming in my yard yet, I think some stuff died.  But we had 70 degree weather today and they are calling for snow on Sunday, so apparently Spring has arrived!


I have been putting in some very long hours at work which kind of sucks.  Started at 7 this morning and finished at 7:30 pm.  I think I'll take a three day weekend very soon.


Doing okay around here.  Good days/sad days.  You know?


Yeah, I don't argue with myself for just the reason you posted!!


I think it's dinner, TV and bed for me!




And sorry I can't help you out Texas*Pearl, if I didn't have bookmarks I couldn't find my way back here ever!

“and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks.” ― Douglas Adams, Life, the Universe and Everything
Message 56 of 224
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Re: The Daily Grind (Paradise Lost)



I hope you are checking your notifications and kudos.....if you click on them, it will lead you back here to these posts.

The Park is still here, it has changed so much.  All the games you talked about.....they locked them so unless someone starts them over again, those games are gone.   There are a few newer games open.    Don't know if you would like them or not. 

Thanks for posting that you were here.  Always nice to see someone coming back to this neck of the woods. 


It's getting late, so cutting it short.

Have a good night and weekend too!


ROOTIE ~  I'll have to get back to you too.  Sheesh, I'm so ate up and far behind. 

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 57 of 224
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Re: The Daily Grind (Paradise Lost)

What a cute kitty!  He can't brain cause he has a tired...awww. 


Yesterday was all full of energy but today my b u t t is dragging.    Got a lot done outside in the yard since it was so nice for a change!  It got up to 81*.  Get this:  it was 36* that morning when got up.   Was going to go to church, but just wasn't in it.   Glad I did get things accomplished out there because today we are back to our normal 50-60*, cloudy and rainy.   So, am finishing with spring cleaning inside the house.   Never seen so much dust and found a dust rag on top the book case...guess that is where I left it the last time I dusted. 


Jury duty was nerve wracking.  It was a criminal case so took a lot of notes.  Deliberations was something else; wanted to rip my hair out.   There were 5 counts....agreed on 4, but could not budge on the 1st count.  Would not even consider the lesser charge, so ended up hung on the 1st count.   What do they do in a case like that?     All I know, I'm not doing it again.  By the time I come up on the roster again, I will be past the age cut off.   Fine with me.


That is the order of events in this house when it comes to evening time.   Dinner, TV, a little computer, and bed.


If you have time, come join in on a game thread or 2.  Not many game threads left since they locked the most of them. 

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 58 of 224
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Re: The Daily Grind (Paradise Lost)

Thank you, Shirley for getting back to me! Sounds like you're doing well. 😃  I wonder, is there a particular way I need to go to get to the Park? I'd like to check in and see how things are there now. Have a blessed and wonderful Easter weekend!

Message 59 of 224
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Re: The Daily Grind (Paradise Lost)

I get that!  I'll be perky and getting stuff done one day and just want to sit on the couch the next!


Been putting in some long hours but next week should be easier.  Just had a lot of deadlines this week (who schedules this stuff anyway?).


Today so far we have had sunshine, rain, snow, hail and thunderstorms.  I expect to see frogs falling by nightfall.


I am getting stuff finished up around the house and then changing my mind on how I want it to look.  Oh well, it will all be right eventually.  And I have to laugh at you finding the dust rag on top of the bookshelf - sounds like something I would do!


I will have to check out the games.  Been a while since I played anything. 


I am planning a whirlygig garden.  Hey, I can't kill those, can I?


Guess I should find something to eat, it may be soup.


Criminal trials are hard.  Don't know how it is there, but if you deadlock on a charge the prosecutor has the option to bring it to trial again. 



“and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks.” ― Douglas Adams, Life, the Universe and Everything
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