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Prayer Request Thread

All are welcome to the Prayer Request Thread!

If you have a prayer request, please post.

Isaiah 41:10
Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God:
I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
Message 1 of 9,910
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Re: Prayer Request Thread

Hey Roxie,

Thank you for your thoughtful post. I love to read what you write.

I was thankful to hear from Adrian too. I miss her dearly.

Love you, Donna
Message 16 of 9,910
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Re: Prayer Request Thread

Grand daughter told me that Phyllis is much better and at home now. Thanks for all of you who prayed!! :-x

Jesus said,
Come to Me...
Learn from Me...
I will give you rest.
From Matt. 11:28-29

For you
Message 17 of 9,910
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Re: Prayer Request Thread

I love each of you.

god is love photo: love god.jpg
Message 18 of 9,910
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Re: Prayer Request Thread

I hope that this is the best year that we all have ever had coming up. More annointing, more friends, more money, more of everything that God has promised.

Sweet dreams, sweet sleep and prophetic dreams for us all that we can remember.

I love you all, too, Donna
Message 19 of 9,910
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Re: Prayer Request Thread


Good morning everyone!

Donna - Amen to that.

The cold & snow have returned. I have had enough and am ready for Spring and we're just getting into Winter.

I am trying to get coherent enough to speak with this worker in 1/2 an hour.

I'll be back when I know more.

Have a beautiful day.
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To Everything, There is a Season...
Message 20 of 9,910
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Re: Prayer Request Thread

God of the Mountain and the Valley Pictures, Images and Photos

God of the Mountain
Lynda Randle

Life is easy
when your up on the mountain
And you’ve got peace of mind
like you’ve never known
But then things change and you’re down in the valley
Don’t lose faith for you’re never alone

For the God of the mountain is still God in the valley
When things go wrong, He’ll make them right
And the God of the good time is still God in the bad times
The God of the day is still God in the night

You talk of faith when you’re up on the mountain
But the talk comes easy when life’s at it’s best
But it is down in the valley of trials and temptation
That’s when faith is really put to the test

For the God of the mountain is still God in the valley
When things go wrong, He’ll make them right
And the God of the good time is still God in the bad times
The God of the day is still God in the night

The God of the day is still God in the night
 photo 2296388f-feb1-48d2-9555-475e062b3333.jpg
To Everything, There is a Season...
Message 21 of 9,910
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Re: Prayer Request Thread

Well, I had my phone interview and she needed some more info, some duplicated. It shows on our bank statements we provided Ike's SSD & VA income and states where it is from. The same for my SSD. This is not good enough. I had to call the VA and ask them to fax that info over and SS has to mail it to me and when I receive that, I also have to bring them a copy of the LC on my house.

As soon as she received this info, she can finish processing the case. She mentioned that even if we only qualify for say $15 in food benefits, the fact that if we do, it opens doors to other programs. So far, so good.
 photo 2296388f-feb1-48d2-9555-475e062b3333.jpg
To Everything, There is a Season...
Message 22 of 9,910
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Re: Prayer Request Thread

Just wanted to let everyone here know that our property WAS sold at the auction. So, guess we have two years left before we have to vacate. Also, hubby, youngest son and I are off to court tomorrow on another matter. Not going to be a fun day.
Message 23 of 9,910
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Re: Prayer Request Thread

Jan, I love you too!

Donna, thank you for your sweet desires for us all!

Lynnie :^O

Diane dear, you are in my prayers today. God has a plan for you and where you live.

"And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings,(Acts 17:26)

Jesus said,
Come to Me...
Learn from Me...
I will give you rest.
From Matt. 11:28-29

For you
Message 24 of 9,910
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Re: Prayer Request Thread

This blessing is for YOU!

Jesus said,
Come to Me...
Learn from Me...
I will give you rest.
From Matt. 11:28-29

For you
Message 25 of 9,910
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Re: Prayer Request Thread

Just wanted to let everyone here know that our property WAS sold at the auction. So, guess we have two years left before we have to vacate. Also, hubby, youngest son and I are off to court tomorrow on another matter. Not going to be a fun day.

Diane - Even though your property was sold, there should be a redemption period, where you are required to pay court costs, payments and interest. Many people go to these sales and buy just for the interest. I find it hard to believe that your house is really gone-gone. What state do you live in? To lose a home that is fully owned is simply unheard of.
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To Everything, There is a Season...
Message 26 of 9,910
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Re: Prayer Request Thread

Please pray for my friend, Susan, She lost her mom over Christmas and she keeps hearing her call her name. She is taking care of her father, who is very old and needs to be in a nursing home, but she can't afford it. She has to take total care of him.. And he falls and she has trouble physically picking him up. She is having a tough time.

Thanks, Love you all, Donna
Message 27 of 9,910
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Re: Prayer Request Thread

Lynn, we live in New Jersey. The two years I mentioned is the period for redemption. Unless we hit the lottery or get high-paying jobs, I don't see us being able to pay everything off in 2 years. BTW, the property tax sale was for the local township, not the state. There were no court costs but the interest keeps going up. A payment plan will not be accepted. Payment has to be in full. We are basically on our own since neither family is willing to help us (not even with prayers). Without being specific, the amount is very high (at least for us). I'm sorry if this seems like a pity or whining party, but this is the only place I can come to to let my feelings out.

Prayers for all others in need.
Message 28 of 9,910
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Re: Prayer Request Thread

Donna - Praying for Susan and her father. She has a lot on her plate.

Roxie - That was a beautiful blessing. I bookmarked the page as she does such beautiful and inspirational videos.

Jan - Love the chickadees as we have so many of them here. They will come and sit on you!
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To Everything, There is a Season...
Message 29 of 9,910
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Re: Prayer Request Thread

Hello Everyone,
Our weather is calling for cold and colder? I wish the desert did not get so hot in the summer!
I guess it is good to be able to complain? Actually I am very thankful just to be. I do not know of anything I would change because any discomfort always makes the good times better.

Good to hear from you.

Thanks for the emails. Sorry things there are so bad.

Thank you.

Love to All
I ask you to be with all my friends now.
I believe you will hear this prayer it is from my heart.
I have faith in you to heal my friends.
Nourish them in their time of suffering and comfort them with your presence.
. . . Amen . . .  photo thmysign.jpg
Message 30 of 9,910
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