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How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!

Hi everyone. I figured there had to be others out there in the millions of eBayers who want to eliminate clutter. So I decided to create a discussion thread and a "ME" page all about clutter and how to get rid of it and how to keep it out of our lives forever.

Personally I know my clutter problem took years to accumulate, and will take some time and effort to make things "normal" again. But I'm ready to dedicate myself to the effort. I'd like to discuss the tips and strategies necessary not just to eliminate clutter but to become the kind of person who does not ACCUMULATE CLUTTER in the first place! If you are interesting in creating a clutter-free life then let's talk!
Message 1 of 331
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330 REPLIES 330

Re: How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!

Thanks for creating this forum.
I have "collected" items for years on the pretense that they are going to appreciate in value & also felt the need to "save" things from being thrown away forever. The recent television series on hoarding really rattled my cage & got me busy reevaluating not only my "stuff" but myself as well. I got busy & started the process of sorting through 25 years worth in my third floor walk-up attic. It was floor to ceiling & wall to wall...everything from my daughters childhood toys to some of my own to sewing & crafts supplies, wrong size clothes, skiing equipment and etc etc etc. It took me a whole month but I determined what I really wanted to keep, checked with my girls & relocated the things they wanted to their homes & had a big yard sale with all the rest.
I found through this process that not only do you clear space in your home but it clears space in your head as well. I feel much less tension & anxiety now that I know what I actually have & where it is.
One trick I used whenever I got stuck as to whether to keep something or not was to ask myself if I ever needed it again could I go & buy it. (That really helped me let loose of items like 1/2" green bias tape, etc. LOL) The other test I used was to look at the item & ask myself if I found it in a store or yard sale, etc would I buy it again today as I've found my tastes have changed over the years.
I still have my basement to apply these same techniques to so I'm not finished yet but I'll get there.
The other thing to remember is whenever you sell or donate items somebody else is getting use of them instead of them just being stagnate in a box or shelf somewhere.
I feel for anyone out there who struggles with this & hope I've helped a bit. Good luck & feel free to contact me. Thanks again!

Wichita, KS
Message 301 of 331
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Re: How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!

Hi Rhonda,
What an inspiring story! Thank you so much for sharing this. You are so amazing! What a tremendous job you have done and what a blessing to your whole family this has been.
I really appreciate your tips in asking if you can easily buy it again and also would you buy it again. Awesome!
I hope you will continue to visit and post how you are doing as well as any more tips you think of. Thanks again,
Message 302 of 331
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Re: How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!

I ran across this thread when looking for message board on clutter/hoarding. I'm a college student who is doing a research essay on the subject. I have created a free survey at that I am hoping a few of you may be willing to complete. It is 100% anonymous and only 14 questions, with 13 multiple choice. The link to the survey is

I'm hoping some of you have heard of this survey site so you know it is legitimate. Here is the McAfee siteadvisor page stating there are no risks on the site.

I would appreciate any assistance with the survey.
Message 303 of 331
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Re: How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!

🙂 🙂 🙂

stopping in with a quick hello from Philly.


Best wishes on the Eliminating Clutter Projects.

Message 304 of 331
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Re: How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!

Hello friends,
I decluttered the laundry room and went further and pretty much emptied it. On the shelves, I had been storing small rubbermaid type tubs with light bulbs, hardware, craft paint, sewing supplies, etc. But, I want the room to be more inviting. It is a tiny room we walk through from the garage. To me, it's our entry or welcome home, so I want it to look nice instead of being a storage area. My husband took down one of the two shelves above the washer & dryer. I am planning on just keeping one shelf and maybe putting some pictures on the wall where the other shelf was. The tiny narrow room looks bigger and is already more pleasant.

Wish me luck! 🐵
Message 305 of 331
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Re: How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!


Best Wishes to the DeClutter Crew!


Worked on decluttering the back bedroom.
Got another layer of stuff out of there.
Looks so much better but I know I need
to trash some more "stuff".
It is getting easier to trash the stuff that
has been sitting around for so long.
and not one of the "top layers" of stuff
I just stored in the back room.... lol.

Message 306 of 331
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Re: How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!

Awesome, Nonny! You are making some real progress!!!

A donation truck is coming tomorrow, and I have some things set aside. I worked on the linen closet and am happy that now all linens fit in there. Once Christmas comes, I hope to have more space. I have some gifts in there right now.

I wanted to invite you and all declutters to join a decluttering board that I found. The people there are super sweet, encouraging and helpful. Here's the link:
Message 307 of 331
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Re: How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!

Re: How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!

Seriously?!?  It is September ALREADY???






Message 309 of 331
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Re: How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!


I haven't checked this message board in ages. I'm so happy to see eBay allowed it to continue, and as a small place where people can help each other. I'll be putting renewed emphasis on de-cluttering my life in the next few months, and I wish everyone else here success on the de-cluttering journey. So much of what we have could be used daily by someone who really needs it. So many "projects" we start never get done. I guess the secret to de-cluttering, for me, will be to simply be willing, finally, to part with it all.


It's been five years since I created this thread, and I probably have more "stuff" now than ever, but certain ly don't feel any richer for it. I guess now is as good of time as any to REALLY start earning my "doctorate" in de-cluttering.


Join me won't you? Together, we can own so much less, and feel so much better. All the best to each of you. And may God bless you.

Message 310 of 331
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Re: How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!

Welcome back, Dr. DeClutter!




It is an on-going journey.



Message 311 of 331
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Re: How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!

Yes, it is an on-going process.  It's a regular part of housekeeping.  I just went though my kids' fall clothes and found some more things to donate and sell on eBay.  I thought the donation truck was coming tomorrow, but it came today, and I missed it.  Oh well.


I worked on the garage some last week.  The kids and I swept it out and I threw out some old repair supplies that were no good.  Every little bit helps!


Good to see you back Dr. D.!

Message 312 of 331
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Re: How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!


I havn't been on here for quite a long while.----Here is my update ---In August I had an auction of my Parents house and rest of the contents as well as some of my things too.  I donated my Grandfathers show costumes to the Reperotory Theature Musium in Mt Pleasant Iowa  after I had taken pictures of them.------I still have several boxs to go thru that I didn't want to sell at auction.  Will probably be a winter thing to do on snowy days.------- My days now are filled with getting the outside ready for winter such as cleaning and winterizing the deck and cleaning up after the storm last summer that took down a small shed and I lost two big oak trees so my yard still needs my attention.

Message 313 of 331
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Re: How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!

This weekend is going to be another, "what else can I get rid of?" .  Hoping to get a few more bags of stuff out of the basement.


DH fell last week and separated his shoulder.  His dominant arm and the one he had rotator surgery on back in 06.  And of course it was at 3 am  and I ended up calling the ambulance to get him to the hospital cause I couldnt hold his arm UP and drive at the same time.  lol. 


Do you think he does these things to get out of helping me declutter!?!  lol. 


wishing u well.



Message 314 of 331
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Re: How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!


Oh No ! I hope he feels better soon.  There always seems to be things getting in the way of declutering.  That was my plan for today too but havn't got started yet and now our of energy!

Message 315 of 331
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