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At What Rate Are Dissatisfied Sellers Leaving Ebay for other Sites?

This is not a figure that ebay would release publicly, of course, but one has to wonder what percentage of dissatisfied sellers are leaving ebay and placing their items on other sites and how quickly this is occuring? Has the MASS EXODUS begun yet or is it still just a small trickle? Anyone here in the know with reasonable estimates, please weigh in...

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Re: At What Rate Are Dissatisfied Sellers Leaving Ebay for other Sites?


Message 46 of 195
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Re: At What Rate Are Dissatisfied Sellers Leaving Ebay for other Sites?


Message 47 of 195
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Re: At What Rate Are Dissatisfied Sellers Leaving Ebay for other Sites?

Open up your own website through Shopify or Big and sell it there. 


We are seriously considering dropping our Ebay sales after Christmas if things don't pick up and they don't release our funds in a more timely manner.  We have been a Brick and Mortar business for several years with a majority of our business coming from local customers and national trade shows.  As a test bed we decided to see if we could do well on Ebay. 


So far, the business is very low compared to our own website and walk in business, and may not be worth the hassle.  We thought we'd give Ebay a chance, and see if it would give us more of a national venue.  I guess we'll wait and see.


However, if you do your own 'footwork', open your own online store, link to friends on Facebook, Pinterest, and/or Twitter you should be able to build your business without any issues.  I know of several small 'craft' type businesses that ladies run out of their homes, on a part time basis, while they take care of their kids and the home. 


It's do-able, but you just have to put forth the effort.  Smiley Wink

Message 48 of 195
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Re: At What Rate Are Dissatisfied Sellers Leaving Ebay for other Sites?

Not really leaving, just reduced my selling to cheap items I can afford to loose and not hurt too much. Will be in hopes ebay coming to their senses or good alternative pops up. I thank  pay pal for making this even worse. May just retire from this for awhile,. Stress not worth it. Also not selling- not buying. Moved a lot of items to another site but not much traffic there. Won't get my hopes up. Just consider this like a down-turn in the economy.

Message 49 of 195
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Re: At What Rate Are Dissatisfied Sellers Leaving Ebay for other Sites?


Message 50 of 195
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Re: At What Rate Are Dissatisfied Sellers Leaving Ebay for other Sites?

To funny.........I had a week worth of banter back and forth with 3 ebay hired trolls and stuck it to them on the truth....just went to see their latest reply and ebay.............pulled all the posts................can you believe it...(I can) on  a post that ebay sucks and when I list true reasons of why they do..........they pull themmmmmmmmmmm...............hahahahaha to funny...........Never again ebay...never again...................

Message 51 of 195
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Re: At What Rate Are Dissatisfied Sellers Leaving Ebay for other Sites?

Etsy is NOT competition for Ebay. Please do not mislead others. Folks, Etsy is for handcrafted items only or old vintage **bleep**. You cannot sell items others have made and you cannot sell designer items on there. There is no one online that is a big as Ebay. Ebay loses sellers all the time when they get disgusted. they're used to it and don't care. They make their money with the big stores here and give them all the breaks. If a few buyers give low star ratings at any time, you lose out on your perks here and no one can control a buyers ratings even if they seemed satisfied and it all went well. Many small time sellers have left.
Message 52 of 195
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Re: At What Rate Are Dissatisfied Sellers Leaving Ebay for other Sites?

You just have to know your market
age is a measure of time , wisdom is the measure of how we used that time
Message 53 of 195
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Re: At What Rate Are Dissatisfied Sellers Leaving Ebay for other Sites?

Still in hopes ebay wakes up! Very unhappy with the new policies so only post my items that I can afford to be stolen. This site was built by the good sellers that are being driven off. Just want the old days back that made all this enjoyable!! Right now if you are a buyer and want cheap or free junk to buy you have found the right spot. So, not leaving completly in hope thing improve. If one wants to rant on how great things are why arn't they using their seller ID instead of hiding?

Message 54 of 195
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Re: At What Rate Are Dissatisfied Sellers Leaving Ebay for other Sites?

Oh manygreatthings is your real name?

Yep post with your selling id and see what it attracts if you upset someone
age is a measure of time , wisdom is the measure of how we used that time
Message 55 of 195
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Re: At What Rate Are Dissatisfied Sellers Leaving Ebay for other Sites?

I think the great thing is to post using your real user name from ebay so ebay can see how many people are becoming fed up with their brutal tactics and campaigns against good sellers. I have been with them since they just about opened online and when this vicious, cutthroat group bought ebay from the original founder, things changed for the worse and it just keeps getting worse and worse. I outsold on two other sites this past christmas what I sold on ebay. I was always exclusive to them and than I knew I had to do something. The only thing ebay understands is losing $$$ and they lost about 4,000 this past holiday season on my sales because I sold my items elsewhere as well on ebay's site. I have been preparing myself for a total departure from ebay's site now for at least one year. I have been working on getting all of my stuff on the other sites anyway and listing relatively few items on ebay so if they think they are crushing me or teaching me a lesson the joke is on them! Currently, they are dropping my listings on me until they cut me down to 175 because a few birdbrains left me low five star ratings over a year ago? They are insane. And the low defect ratings are going to be dropping off in the next two months.  I was an economics and government double major in college many years ago and they are going to be their own demise. I don't know where they are drumming up these misfits who are making there policies but it is insanity! I will be so glad when I am totally off of ebay's site. I think it has outlived it novelty in e-commerce.  They only wrong thing to do is to do nothing when someone is bullying you and abusing you. And, I will not take that kind of treatment from people I love yet alone ebay. Who do they think they are anyway Wyatt Erp? Pathetic!  


Message 56 of 195
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Re: At What Rate Are Dissatisfied Sellers Leaving Ebay for other Sites?

I think that ebay needs to see a united front of sellers who are not intimidated by them and won't play kowtow to their whimsies.

Message 57 of 195
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Re: At What Rate Are Dissatisfied Sellers Leaving Ebay for other Sites?

You need to check your statistics. Ebay's traffic is down on their site and so are their sales this past year. They came in third behind Amazon and Fipkart of India and they will continue to drop down statistically as long as they keep employing these brutal tactics. yes, it's true, they cater to the big companies because they have to now because they are losing the original ebay mainstay, the smaller sellers, who got fed up with their baloney.  But, think of this for a minute.  Does this country run financially from the wealth of the 1% who are very wealthy or do they need the middle class to keep giving the whooping to with taxes? If not for the many, this country would fall, and the same is going to be true of ebay.  I outsold my stuff on two other sites this past Christmas by about 500.00. I also doubled my sales by diversifying and going to many other sites. it was the best move I ever made in my life and I hope to be ebay free very soon! They're a bunch of misfits!

Message 58 of 195
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Re: At What Rate Are Dissatisfied Sellers Leaving Ebay for other Sites?

And, I am not misleading people.  You need to read the business news on the internet. Etsy is beginning to pose a real threat to ebay along with Amazon, Flipkart of India, etc., etc. And, it couldn't happen to a more wonderful group of pirates!

Message 59 of 195
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Re: At What Rate Are Dissatisfied Sellers Leaving Ebay for other Sites?

I believe it. Even when they are wrong they are right! They have to make themselves look good because people are deserting the sinking ship and they don't want that to get out.

Message 60 of 195
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